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Account ID Naming Conventions

You must assign a unique Account ID to your Chart of Accounts, which can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters in length.  There are many different ways of logically creating your ID's.  Some companies start each account type with the same number, then a dash and then a unique number for the account itself like 1-2100.


Things to remember

1.You cannot use asterisks (*), or double quotes (").

2.You cannot use leading or trailing spaces. Spaces in between characters are allowed.

3.Account numbers are sorted alphabetically with numbers coming before letters. For example, an account starting with a "6" would list before an account starting with an "A."

4.You need to use leading zeros to make the numbers sort properly. For example, these numbers are ordered this way: 1, 100, 1000, 27.  To properly sort, enter the numbers as 0001, 0027, 0100, 1000.