The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Earning Type...
1.First open the Earning Types form and then click the New button to clear the form so you can enter a new record. The cursor will be flashing at the top of the form in the Earning ID field.
2.You must assign a unique Earning ID for each Earning Type, which can be 15 alphanumeric characters in length. For example: Hourly Pay might be referenced as 'HOUR'. When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.
3.You can then enter a Description for the Earning. This description will be seen next to the Earning ID in all the Earning ID combo boxes throughout the program.
4.The Calculation Type combo box is the method or amount used to determine the amount of the earning. You must enter a value in this field for each earning type. There are three choices, which are described below.
Annual Salary: Used for employees who are paid based on an annual salary amount. If an employee gets paid 30,000.00 a year and you want the program to figure their pay based on a pay period you would use this calculation type. Then if the employees Pay Period is set to monthly the program would divide the annual salary by 12 and pay the employee based on that amount.
Fixed Amount: Allows an actual non calculated amount to be entered for the earning. You would use this calculation type if an employee always gets paid an amount such as 1,200.00 per pay period.
Hourly Rate: Allows an hourly amount to be entered, which later can be calculated by the number of hours the employee works. You can may want to create several earning types for different hourly rates such as overtime and double time.
Tips: Allows tips received on a daily basis to be displayed on the paycheck but not included on the Gross Pay because the employee already received the amount beforehand. The system only deducts the taxes associated on the tips from the Gross Pay.
5.In the Amount field enter the amount of the earning based on the calculation type selected.
6.Enter the Account ID you want to use by selecting it from the combo box. Normally earning types are setup as expense accounts.
7.The numeric Sort field provides a great way of creating a custom sort order for the earning types. For each record in this form, enter a unique sort number. When you add a new earning type you will notice the sort field automatically advances to the next unique number.
This Line Item Detail is used to select the appropriate taxes to be withheld from an Earning type for the Employee and the Company. The 2 Tab dialog box allows you select and group the Employee Taxes and the Company Taxes separately. Select as many tax types as appropriate for this Earning. If a tax does not exist in the tax Line Item Detail, then you must first add it to the Earning Types form.
1.Use your mouse and select the Employee Tax Tab.
2.Enter the Tax ID you want to use by selecting it from the combo box. The combo box will display only the taxes designated as Paid by: Employee. The description field will automatically fill in with the taxes description.
3.When you have completed the Employee Taxes, use your mouse to select the Company Taxes Tab.
4.Enter the Tax ID you wan to use by selecting it from the combo box. The combo box will display only the taxes designated as Paid by: Company. The description field will automatically fill in with the taxes description.