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Adding Warehouses

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Warehouse.


This Section is divided into four areas representing the four Tabs: General Tab, Detail Tab, Notes Tab and Stock Tab.


General Tab

1.First click on the Warehouses topic from the Inventory Control topic in the Main Menu.  This will open the Find Warehouses search form.  In this Find Warehouses form click the New Warehouse button in the upper left hand corner of the form.  This will bring you to the Warehouse form, cleared so you may enter a new Warehouse.  The cursor will be flashing at the top of the form in the Warehouse ID field under the General Tab.

2.You must assign a unique Warehouse ID for each warehouse, which can be 20 alphanumeric characters in length.  For example:  Chicago warehouse might be referenced as CHICW01 using the first four letters of the warehouse name, the first letter of the word warehouse and then 01.  There are many different naming conventions to choose from when creating your ID's.  Some companies use the phone number or just a unique number for of their ID's.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.You can then enter a Description of the warehouse.  It is not necessary to add a description but this will give you a better way to describe the warehouse and another avenue to search for that warehouse in the future.

4.The next step is to select a Warehouse Type.  The Warehouse Type field is a great way to categorize and group your warehouses.  You can edit this list by clicking on the ellipse button next to this field, which will open the Warehouse Type form.

5.You can then fill in all the basic warehouse information like Contact Name, Contact Title, Alt. Contact, address, City, Zip Code, County,Country, Phone, Fax, E-mail, and Web Site.  Most of this is the main data that will be displayed on the Bill To and Ship To sections of all warehouse related transactions created.

Special Zip Code Feature

You will notice as you Tab through these fields the program will skip over the City and State and bring you to the Zip Code field combo box.  The zip code combo box will list every zip code you have entered up to this point.  If you enter a zip code that you have not used before, a message will appear asking if you want to add the add zip code.  If you choose to add the zip code then the Zip/Postal Code form will open.  You will then need to fill in the city, state, county and country and click the Ok button to add it to the Zip Code records.  The city, state, county and country will now be automatically filled in and you will never have to enter that information twice.  From now on in any form that uses zip codes you will be able to select and use the one you just entered saving you data entry time.  You can add, delete and edit zip codes from the Zip/Postal Code form at any time.


Special Address Feature

You will notice as a small colored Globe to the right of the address box.  If you have Internet access, once you have completed the address, City, State, and Zip Code fields, and, you click on the globe, you will be automatically brought to the Yahoo Web site showing the location of your customer on a map!


1.The Other Names field gives you space to enter Other Names that may be related to the warehouse contacts.

2.The User Fields area is used to store the names of different contact methods used like Phone, Fax, E-mail, Web Site, and any other contact information that you use.  Under the User Field column heading, simply click on the little combo box button (the arrow head pointing down) to select the type of user field you wish.  Then, type in the Value (whether it be a phone number, an E-mail address, etc.) in the Value field.  As you can see, you may add a number of user fields.

Detail Tab

You can get to the Detail page of information by clicking on the Detail tab.  The Detail Tab contains three areas: Misc Information, Warehouse History, Contact Information and Override Tax Function.


Misc Information

1.The Office field is where you enter the Office that is related to the warehouse. This is an optional field you may use as you see fit.

2.The Department field is where you enter the Department that is related to the warehouse. This is an optional field you may use as you see fit.

3.You can use the Ship Via field to setup a default shipping method for each warehouse.  If there is not a shipping method you want to use in the combo box click the ellipse button next to the field to open the Ship Via form where you can add or edit the items.

Warehouse History Area

The Warehouse History Area is read only and the information displayed here is calculated and displayed for your reference.  Each field is detailed below.

Bullet PointThe Entered field will reflect the date this warehouse was first input into the program.  Click the little clock button in the Warehouse History area to change the date field view to display the exact time the warehouse was entered in the date field.  Then click the little date button to view the date again.

Bullet PointThe Modified date will reflect the date this warehouses file has been changed in any way.  Click the little clock button in the Warehouse History area to change the date field view to display the exact time the warehouse was modified in the date field.  Then click the little date button to view the date again.

Bullet PointThe Total Number of Products field will calculate how many inventory items are currently stored in the selected warehouse.

Contact Information Area

The Contact Information area has several fields like Manager, Assistant, Other Contacts and Contact Info that are optional fields, which you can use for any data you see fit.


Notes Tab

The Notes Tab provides you an area to record notes, and an area to record Directions regarding your Warehouse.  The Notes Tab also includes a convenient, time saving feature called Directions in the Directions area which will enable you to obtain directions and a map of your warehouses' location off of the Web.

1.The Notes field gives you space to make any special notes about the warehouse that are not covered in other areas of the Warehouse form.  Please note, the text in this field does not conform to the settings in the Text Field Displayed as setting of the Company Preferences form.  It is set for Normal case because it assumes that you will be typing paragraphs rather than proper names.  You can have the notes field automatically be displayed every time you enter a new transaction for the customer.  This can be enabled or disabled in the Company Preferences form.

2.The Directions field gives you space to make any special notes on directions to this warehouse that are not covered in other areas of the Customer form.  Please note, the text in this field does not conform to the settings in the Text Field Displayed As setting of the Company Preferences form.  It is set for Normal case because it assumes that you will be typing notes rather than proper names.

Stock Tab

The Warehouse Stock tab shows you all the items that are currently stocked in the selected warehouse.  This includes how many Units are in Stock, are Committed, are on Back Order and On Order.  These are all read-only fields.  The Reorder Point is an adjustable field.

1.The Inventory Stock area displays units In Stock, Committed, Back Order, On Order and Reorder Point. These fields are read only and cannot be manually changed.  To add the number of inventory in stock for the selected inventory item you need to either create and post a Sales or Purchasing Transaction, create an Inventory Adjustment or enter an Inventory Opening Balance.
Bullet PointThe Units in Stock field is read only and displays the total quantity in stock.  Every time you sell or purchase this inventory item the In Stock field will change to display the add quantity in stock.
Bullet PointThe Committed field is read only and displays the total quantity of that inventory item that has been ordered by a customer, but not yet invoiced/shipped.  Every time you create an order for the inventory item, the Committed field will change to display the quantity that's committed.  Committed means ordered by a customer, but yet still in stock.  Once the Order is converted to an Invoice and posted the Committed field will change to show the new quantity committed.
Bullet PointThe Back Order field is read only and displays the total quantity on back order.  Every time a Back Order is created for the selected inventory item the Back Order field will change to display the add quantity on back order.
Bullet PointThe On Order field is read only and displays the total quantity on order.  Every time you create a purchase order for this inventory item the On Order field will change to display the add quantity on order.

2.The Reorder Point field can be used to enter a quantity that you want to order more inventory at.  VisionCore will remind you with a message anytime this inventory item drops to that quantity or below it in any of the sales or service transaction forms.  You can also open the Reminder List form from the Main Menu  to display all the inventory that has reached or fallen below the quantity set here.

3.Clicking on the ellipse button to the left of the Warehouse ID field for the first line item will bring you to the Inventory Warehouse Transaction History form where you may review every transaction that makes up the total stock for each warehouse.

When you are through filling out all of the information about your warehouse, you can click on the New button to add another warehouse or click the Close button to save the warehouse and return you to the previous open form.