The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Recurring Purchase Transaction...
1.From the Main Menu, click on Purchases, then Recurring Transactions. This will open the Recurring Transaction form where you may then click the New button to open the move the cursor to a new line where you can add a new recurring transaction. The cursor will be flashing at the top of the form in the Transaction Type field.
2.In the Transaction Type field you can select from two different types of transactions. These include Bills, Purchase Receipt, Purchase Order and Vendor Prepayment.
3.The Group combo box will list all the available groups for the selected transaction type. Select the group you wish to have recur.
4.The Process check box is used to select the transactions you want to process.
5.The Transaction Number combo box field will list all the available transactions for the selected transaction type selected. Select the transaction number you wish to have recur.
6.The Reference field is used to enter any reference you want to make to the Recurring transaction. This field is optional and is not required.
7.The Frequency combo box field will default to Monthly. This can be changed to Daily, Weekly, Biweekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Bimonthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually or Annually. This will be used to set how often a transaction recurs. When you choose a frequency the Reminder List form will check to see if any recurring transactions are due and display them.
Frequency Occurrences
Daily = 365
Weekly = 52
Biweekly = 26
Semi-Monthly = 24
Monthly = 12
Bimonthly = 6
Quarterly = 4
Semi-Annually = 2
Annually = 1
8.The Last Process field will automatically be filled in with today's date. Every time you process the selected transaction the Last Process date will be updated with that date.
9.The Next Process field will automatically be filled based on the Frequency entered. This can be changed to whatever date you want the transaction to recur again.
10.The Active check box will automatically be enabled. This can be used to enable or disable a transaction from recurring.
11.The Group combo box will list all the available groups for the selected transaction type. Select the group you wish to have recur.