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Committed Inventory Rules

The Committed field is updated from the Order and Invoice forms only.

1.Creating a New Order – Increases the Committed quantity by the Qty entered for that item.

2.Deleting a line item on an existing Order – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty for that line item.

3.Deleting an Order – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty for each item in the Order.

4.Creating a New Invoice (without a matching Order) - Increases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity entered for that item.

5.Deleting a line item on an existing Invoice (without a matching Order) – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity for that line item.

6.Deleting an Invoice (without a matching Order) – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity for each item in the Invoice.

7.Changing an Item Number on an Invoice (without a matching Order) – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity for the original item number.

8.Changing an Item Number on an Invoice (with a matching Order) – The Committed quantity will not change. This is because the original Order has already updated the Committed quantity.

9.Changing an Item Number on an Order – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity for the original item number.

10.Processing an Order to an Invoice – The Committed quantity will not change. This is because the original Order has already updated the Committed quantity.  This will also complete the Order.

11.Deleting a line item on an existing Invoice (with a matching Order) – The Committed quantity will not change. This is because the original Order has already updated the Committed quantity.

12.Deleting an Invoice (with a matching Order) – The Committed quantity will not change. This is because the original Order has already updated the Committed quantity.

13.Posting an Invoice – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Ship quantity.

14.Voiding an Invoice – Decreases the Committed quantity by the Ship quantity.

15.Duplicating an Invoice or Order – Increases the Committed quantity by the Qty quantity.


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