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Customer Clients

The Customer Clients form is used to store all the detailed information about your customer's clients including company name, contact name, address, website, phone, fax,  and email.  You can be as detailed as you feel necessary since most of the fields are not required to be filled in.  Customer clients are normally all the people/company in which your customer sell your products or services to.


Under the Field column heading, simply click on the little combo box button (the arrow head pointing down) to select the type of user field you wish.  Then, type in the value (whether it be a phone number, an E-mail address, etc.) in the Value field.  As you can see, you may add a number of user fields.  See also User Fields.


This form can be opened from any form that uses User Fields like the customer or vendor forms by clicking the Ellipse button next to the field.  You can even create or select a Mask Format for each of the User Fields, which allows you to just type in the numbers and not the dashes, brackets, etc.  For instance you could use a mask of !(@@@) @@@-@@@@ and assign it to the Phone contact method.  Every time you enter a phone number like 8005551212 the mask would automatically change it to display like (800) 555-1212.  See Input Masks for more detail on the mask symbols you can use and how they work.


You can add, delete, change a Mask or change the Sort order of the Contacts you have entered in this form.  Below is a description how you enter or change information in the User Fields form.


The Notes tab displays a single line item list of all the notes that have been entered for the selected customer's client.  Clicking on the ellipse button will open the Customer Client Notes form displaying the details of that Customer Client Notes.  All the fields in the Customer Clients > Notes tab are read only.