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Customer History

You can view the customer history from the Customer form by clicking the History toolbar buttons at the top of the form or from any of the sales or service transaction forms by clicking the History button.  The Customer History displays a single line item list of all the posted transactions that a customer has placed in the past.  Clicking on the ellipse button next to a specific transaction will open that transaction if you would like to see more details.  All the fields in the customer history list are read only.


You can use the Filter Customer History Search check box option to display all the selected sales or service transactions when you click the yellow folder instead of all the transactions.  Normally when you click the little yellow folder button next to a transaction it opens that form.  For example, if the selected record was an Invoice then the Invoice form would open and move you to that selected Invoice.  Every Invoice will be available for you to navigate through using the Record Navigation buttons.  If the Filter Customer History Search is checked when you click the yellow folder button then in the same example the Invoice form will open but it will remove all the other Invoices except for the selected customers Invoices and then move you to that selected invoice.  This can be a great way to navigate through all the Invoices for a particular customer.  Either way the program will move to the selected transaction for you.