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Day Planner

The Day Planner allows you to quickly view schedules in a flexible format.  You can select from a Daily, Weekly or Monthly view.  You can view the day planner for individual users by selecting their name in the User Name drop-down menu of the toolbar.  You may also select All Users from this menu to see a combined schedule for all activities.  There are Call, Meeting and To-Do buttons located in the toolbar that will allow you to schedule a new activity from within the Day Planner as well.  Clicking on these buttons will open a Schedule Activity form for the selected activity type.  You can close the Day Planner and return to VisionCore at any time by clicking on the Close button in the toolbar.


Daily View

When you open the Day Planner, it is defaulted to show today’s schedule.  The screen is divided into four sections in Daily View: the menu bar down the left side of the screen, the day’s schedule, the monthly calendar and the day’s scheduled activities.  To view a different day’s schedule, you can click on the forward or backward arrows on either side of the date field at the top of the day’s schedule.  You can reschedule an activity in the day’s schedule by dragging and dropping it with the handle on the left side of the activity block.  You can also extend or shorten an activity in the day’s schedule by dragging and dropping the top or bottom of the activity block to the appropriate start/end time.  All-day activities will appear as an activity block at the top of the day’s schedule.  You can drill down into the individual activities by double-clicking on the activity block.  If an alert bell has been assigned to an activity, you will se a bell icon in the activity block as well.


The monthly view at the top right corner of the window displays a snapshot of the current month.  The currently-selected date is shaded purple and all days with scheduled activities are shaded blue.  You can change months by clicking on the forward and backward arrows at the top of the calendar.


The activities scheduled for today are listed in the bottom right-hand section of the screen.  You can drill down into the individual activities by clicking on the magnifying glass button to the left of the activity.  You can also drill down into the contact for that activity by clicking on their name.


Weekly View

You can select the Monthly view by clicking on the corresponding button on the menu located down the left side of the window.


The weekly view shows your schedule for the week with each individual day represented as a separate column.  To view a different week’s schedule, you can click on the forward or backward arrows on either side of the date fields at the top of the week’s schedule.


You can reschedule an activity by dragging and dropping it with the handle on the left side of the activity block.  You can also extend or shorten an activity by dragging and dropping the top or bottom of the activity block to the appropriate start/end time.  All-day activities will appear as an activity block at the top of the day’s schedule.  You can drill down into the individual activities by double-clicking on the activity block.  If an alert bell has been assigned to an activity, you will se a bell icon in the activity block as well.


Monthly View

You can select the Monthly view by clicking on the corresponding button on the menu located down the left side of the window.


The currently-selected date is shaded purple and all days with scheduled activities are shaded blue.  You can change months by clicking on the forward and backward arrows at the top of the calendar.  The description of all activities scheduled for the selected user is displayed as a list within each date square.  You can view an individual date in Daily View by double-clicking on the date square.


Yearly View

You can select the Yearly view by clicking on the corresponding button on the menu located down the left side of the window.


The Yearly View shows a calendar of the current year.  Dates with scheduled activities for the selected user are indicated by a check mark icon.  The currently-selected date is shaded purple and all days with scheduled activities are shaded blue.  You can view an individual date in Daily View by double-clicking on the date square.



You can select the Activities view by clicking on the corresponding button on the menu located down the left side of the window.


This will display scheduled activities for the selected user.  You can use the drop-down menus below the tool bar to narrow the information displayed.  You can narrow the activities by Date, Priority or Activity Type.  You can also choose whether All-Day Activities are shown and whether completed activities are shown by checking the corresponding box.


You can drill down into the individual activities by clicking on the magnifying glass button to the left of the activity.  You can also drill down into the contact for that activity by clicking on their name.  You can set an alarm for an activity by scrolling to the right and checking the Alarm box.  You can edit any of the fields for activities by typing directly into the fields on the activity listing.  When you check the Complete box, a line will appear through the activity to mark it as complete and in the future the activity will only appear in the list if you’ve checked the Show Completed Activities box at the top of the form.



You can select the Tasks view by clicking on the corresponding button on the menu located down the left side of the window.


Tasks can be assigned without requiring a specific contact to be associated with them.  You can enter a Subject, Due Date, Notes, Categories, Priority, Date Completed, Date Started, Status and Company for the task.


You can mark a task as complete by clicking on the clipboard icon to the left of the task, which will immediately mark the clipboard with a check mark and place a line through the task.



This will open up the email window to send an email to any contact in your list.  You will need a POP3 email server configured to work with your software in order to use this feature.