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Inventory Item Setup Tab

The inventory Setup Tab shows the Unit Measure, Unit Qty, Weight, Length, Width, Height, Volume, Inventory Setup and Commission Detail. You may get to the inventory Setup tab page through Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Item Setup Tab.


Unit Measure Area

1.The Unit Measure combo box field is used to enter the Unit Measure you want to assign an inventory item.  You may have anywhere from one to several Unit Measures available to choose from in the combo box depending on how many were created for the selected inventory item.

2.The Unit Quantity field is used to enter the number of the selected inventory items it takes to make up the unit measure.

3.The Weight field is used to enter the total weight of the selected unit measure. This weight will be used on all the sales and service transactions and total as you add line items to those transactions.  Then every time you print and invoice or order the grand total weight will be printed so you know how heavy the total order is.  This is an optional field.

4.The Length field is used to enter the total length of the selected unit measure.

5.The Width field is used to enter the total width of the selected unit measure.

6.The Height field is used to enter the total height of the selected unit measure.

7.The Volume field is used to enter the volume of the selected unit measure.

8.The Max Qty field is used to enter the maximum quantity that will be allowed per Sales transaction. See: Maximum Order Qty for Inventory.

9.The Ellipse button beside the Unit Measure field will open the Inventory Units of Measure form where you can store any unit measure used in your company.

10.The X button beside every unit measure line will delete the entry from the grid area.


Inventory Setup Area

1.The Lead Time field is where you enter the manufacturer's lead time.

2.The Taxable check box gives you an option to tax an item or not. If you enable this checkbox, the item will be taxed base on the customer default tax.

3.The Keywords field is where you enter the word you want to associate with a particular inventory item. This is helpful when searching an item number on Find Inventory form.

4.The Case Qty. field is where you enter/review the manufacturer's case quantity.

5.The Date Ship field is used to set the date the item is to be shipped.  Click the drop down button next to this field to open the miniature calendar form where you can graphically enter the date.

6.The Drop Ship checkbox is used to mark whether the item is a drop ship item or not.   Items that are marked as drop ship are those items that can be processed when converting the Sales Order to Purchase Order [Drop Ship Selected].  

7.The Tax Exempt field is used to enter an amount that an item or service is exempt from sales tax.  Some services and items may be exempted from sales tax but only for a certain amount.  Example: Item "A" sells for 50.00 but is sales tax exempt for the first 20.00.  Enter 20.00 in the Sales Tax Exempt field and sales tax will only be figured on the difference, in this case 30.00.


Commission Detail Area

1.If you select to enable the Commissionable check box then commission will be applied.

2.If you select 'None' in the combo box for the Special Commission field you will disable special commission to be applied.  If you select 'Yes', you will enable Special Commission to be applied.

3.If you selected 'Yes' and enabled Special Commission to be applied, you may now enter the Special Commission Percentage you would like in the Special Commission Percent field.

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Inventory Item