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Inventory Warehouse Stock

The Inventory Warehouse Stock form is opened from the Inventory Item form by clicking on the Warehouse Stock button at the bottom of that form.  This form will display all the warehouses you have currently setup in the Warehouse form and the quantity in stock at each of those warehouses. The Item No field at the top of the form will display the selected Inventory Item.  All the fields in this form are read only.



Bullet PointThe Warehouse ID field displays all the Warehouse ID's that exist in the Warehouse form.  The number of warehouses entered in the Warehouse form will determine how many lines are listed in this form.

Bullet PointThe In Stock field displays the total number of items that are in stock at each warehouse.

Bullet PointThe On Order field displays the total number of items that are on order for each warehouse.

Bullet PointThe Expected field displays the date that any on order items are scheduled to be received.

Bullet PointThe Total In Stock field displays the total number of items in stock at all the warehouses at the bottom of the form.  This is the same number as the In Stock quantity field on the Inventory Items form.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Transaction History button will open the Inventory Warehouse Transaction History form where you can view a breakdown of every transaction that makes up the inventory at each warehouse.