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Investment Calculator

The Investment Calculator can be used to calculate different investment scenarios.  This form has been put into VisionCore to assist you with figuring out savings and investment strategies.  The investment calculator is not connected or related to any other part of the program and anything you enter or do in this form will not impact any other part of the program.


Calculating an Investment

1.Enter a Monthly Deposit amount you will want to make.

2.Enter a Monthly Withdrawal if you want.  This could be if you are investing a large amount of money up front and then want to see what impact a monthly withdrawal would have on the balance over time.

3.Enter the Annual Interest Rate you will receive if any.

4.Enter the number of Months you plan on doing this investment.

5.Next enter any Starting Balance or Deposit you will make to the investment.

6.Enter the Start Date of the investment.  You can click the drop down button to open the miniature calendar where you can graphically enter a start date.

7.Last click the Calculate button to display the output totals in the four read-only fields below.
Bullet PointTotal Value displays the total value of the investment after the number of months are up.
Bullet PointTotal Deposits will display the total monthly deposits you made to the investment over the number of months entered.
Bullet PointTotal Withdrawals displays the total withdrawals you made to the investment over the number of months enter.
Bullet PointTotal Interest displays the total interest earned on the investment over the number of months entered.

When you close the Investment Calculator form VisionCore will save the investment record you entered so that the next time you open this form your data previously entered will appear.


Buttons at the bottom of the form

Bullet PointThe Calculate button will display the numbers calculated for the read-only fields, namely Total Value, Total Deposits, Total Withdrawals and Total Interest.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Investment Calculator form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.