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Line Item Details

Line Item Details are especially effective when you want to show data from tables or stored procedures with a one-to-many relationship. For example, you could create a form with a Line Item Detail to show data from a Customers table and a Inventory table. The data in the Customer table is the "one" side of the relationship. The products in the Inventory table is the "many" side of the relationship where each customer can have more than one product.


The main form and Line Item Detail in this type of form are linked so that the Line Item Detail displays only records that are related to the current record in the main form. For example, when the main form displays the Customer, the Line Item Detail displays only the products that customer is purchasing.


When you use a form with a Line Item Detail to enter new records, VisionCore saves the current record in the main form when you enter the Line Item Detail. This ensures that the records in the "many" table will have a record in the "one" table to relate to. It also automatically saves each record as you add it to the Line Item Detail.