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Navigator Setup - Form Favorites

The Navigator Setup - Form Favorites form is used to set the forms you want to be displayed in the Start Menu.


In the Menu List box, highlight the form you want in your Start Menu and click the arrow right button (>) to add it to the Form Favorites box. If you would like all the forms in the  Menu List box, you can click the double arrow right button (>>) and all of the forms will be added to the Form Favorites box. If you want to remove all forms you click the double arrow left button (<<) or to remove a single form just click the arrow left button (< ).


You can choose the sort order of the Forms by using the Sort buttons.  These buttons are used to move the selected record upward/downward one spot for each click.


Buttons at the bottom of the form

Bullet PointThe OK button will close and save the Navigator Setup - Form Favorites form.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will close the form and will not save any changes you have made.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.