It is in this form that you establish the default User name and Password for the Administrator account. This user will have a full access to all the forms and reports.
Note that by default, you already have an admin account, which is Admin/VCsample-1. Creating new company database will then allow you to create another administrator account. Also, it is recommended that you create a strong password for your administrator account to protect it from unauthorized access. Example of a strong password would be long, complex password that has a combination of letters (Uppercase and Lowercase), numbers and symbols, say Ab82839W43! .
If you are using TranSentry Integration, there are requirements that Administrator users should setup, although VisionCore has put default settings, it is recommended that it must be checked and set to at least the default settings or better. The following setup can be accessed from System menu > Security Policy. For a detailed discussion on this, see User Management Security for Administrator Users.
You can add unlimited number of Users in VisionCore after you are through creating a new company. You will have to open the Security User form under System menu to create additional users.
The User Options area an option to select User must change password on next logon checkbox. When selected will require the default user to change the password the next time the user logs on.
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