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Pricing Levels

This document describes how the price is determined for a customer when entering a new line item on Invoices, Orders, Estimates and Quotes.  There are several different types of pricing methods used in VisionCore and this will help describe the order in which they are carried out.


Inventory Special Pricing

1. To start, VisionCore checks for Inventory Special Pricing on the selected Item No and if there is one it uses that price above all other Pricing in the program.  Inventory Special Pricing can be accessed from Inventory menu > Inventory > Pricing Tab > Special Pricing Tab.

Bullet PointCheck the Inventory Special Price Begin and End Dates to see if the Price is valid.

Bullet PointIf the above is successful then use that price.

Bullet PointIf it was not successful then check to see if there is a Customer Special Pricing.

Customer Special Pricing

2. If there was no Inventory Special Pricing then VisionCore checks for a Customer Special Pricing.  Customer Special Pricing can be accessed from Contacts menu > Customers > Pricing Tab > Special Pricing Tab.

Bullet PointCheck the Customer Special Price Begin and End Dates to see if the Price is valid.

Bullet PointIf the above is successful then use that price.

Bullet PointIf it was not successful then check to see if there is an Inventory Pricing Level.


Info If Both a Customer Special Pricing and Inventory Special Pricing exist then VisionCore will figure out which price is lower and use that price.


Customer Pricing

3. If there was no Inventory Special Pricing, Customer Special or either of them failed the date range or criteria then check for any Customer Pricing in the order listed below.  Customer Pricing can be accessed from Contacts menu > Customers > Detail Tab > Pricing field.

Bullet PointMulti-Level pricing: If the selected Inventory item has Pricing Levels setup then match the Unit of Measure and Warehouse and check that the quantity is between the Min/Max

Bullet PointDiscount Sales Price: Take that customers percentage amount and subtract it from the default Inventory Sales Price.

Bullet PointMarkup Standard Cost: Take that customers percentage amount and add it to the default Inventory Standard Cost.

Bullet PointMarkup S&O Cost: Take that customers percentage amount and add it to the the Inventory Standard Cost and Other Cost.

Bullet PointPercent of Margin: Take the value after subtracting the rate entered from 100% and divide it to the Inventory Sales Price.

Bullet PointRetail Price: Take the value in the Inventory Item form > Pricing tab > Retail field.

Bullet PointLast Price: Take the value in the Inventory Item form > Pricing tab > Last Cost field.

Bullet PointInventory Price List: If the selected inventory item has Price List setup then take that Sales Price.

Bullet PointNone:  Ignores the next pricing level, which is Inventory Pricing Levels and will take the Inventory Sales Price instead.


Inventory Pricing Levels

4. If there was no Inventory Special Pricing, Customer Special Pricing, Customer Pricing or any of them failed the date range or criteria then check for any Inventory Pricing Levels in the order listed below.

Bullet PointMatch the Unit of Measure selected in the Line Item.

Bullet PointIf that matches, check if the quantity ordered is between the Min/Max quantities.

Bullet PointIf the above two criteria match then use that price.


Info To assign a specific level of pricing for a Customer, you must set the Level inside the Customer form.


Info Note that Customer Category Pricing is not part of the Pricing Hierarchy.  This means that you can have any from the above pricing plus the customer category pricing.  See Category Pricing Discount to show you how it works.