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User Defined Field Detail Form


Once you selected the User Type and Value in the User Fields section, you may click on the Ellipse button next to the User Type to bring you to a powerful feature located in the User Defined Field Detail form.

1.The User Field field will display the User Field type you have selected.

2.The Value Mask will display the Values you entered for the User Field, such as the numerals in a phone a phone number.

3.The Value note pad looking field will display the Values you entered for the User Field, such as the numerals in a phone a phone number.  The significance of this area is that you may view the values more clearly than in the space provided in the Value area of the User Fields area of the Detail tab.  Additionally, you can write in this section, expanding on what you may already have written in the Value area on the previous form.

4.The Mask Type field will display the Mask Type you have selected.

Website Details

Show on B2B Website. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Show on B2B Website if you would like the information to be showed on B2B website.

Show on B2C Website. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Show on B2C Website if you would like the information to be showed on B2C website.

Hyperlink. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Hyperlink if you would like the information to be hyperlinked.

Target. Enter the Web Target information.

Hyperlink: Enter the Hyperlink.


Form Buttons

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Security form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.


Related Topics

User Fields


Input Masks