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Account Structure

Setting your Segment Structure is the first step in building your General Ledger Chart of Accounts.  This form enables you to define a specific structure in terms of number of characters, what type of character to use for a primary account, segment, division, or another term you may wish to use.


When setting up your Chart of Accounts it is important to properly name and structure your accounts to take full advantage of VisionCore power in segmenting your general ledger.  This will allow you to have multiple departments, divisions, or even companies within the same VisionCore data file.


Structure tab

1.        The Account Structure field will display a read-only account structure mask to help you visualize what the accounts will look and be like when they are created.

2.        The Divider combo box accepts a maximum of one (1) character and is defaulted to a dash (-).  When you click on the dropdown combo box arrow button beside this field, a pre-defined characters like dash, period, underscore and space will be shown, with the ability for the user to manually enter any character.  Null/Empty value is also accepted on this field in case the user does not want any divider.  This is represented by the option (none).  This is different from (space) since a space is considered a character.

3.        Name the structure in the Segment Name field.  When creating new company databases, this form will have a default setup 'Primary Account' as this is the base or general part of the account, with no segment records. You may add segment records as necessary. Example of segment records would be 'Department' and 'Branch'.

4.        The Type field by default, will show 'Primary' for Primary Account and 'Segment' for other segments added.  When you add new segments, this field will automatically be defaulted to Segment.

5.        The Length field is a will show how many characters the structure will have.  This is configured in the Edit Segment Structure form > Length field.  Edit Segment Structure form can be opened when you click the ellipse button on the Mask field of this form. See: Resize Account Segment

Info Notes:

 -The maximum length of the entire account cannot exceed 40 characters.

 -You may increase but NOT decrease the length of a segment  even after accounts have been build and transactions have been made.  Make sure you save it so Account IDs will get updated by that change.


6.        The Mask field will determine what type, or types of characters can be used for Account configuration.  Click the ellipse button to open the Edit Segment Structure form that will give you idea on mask characters accepted by the system.

Form Buttons

Form Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will move the cursor to a new line where you can add a new record.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected record.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Groups button will open the Account Groups where you can view, add or group your accounts into groups and subgroups.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Account Structure form.

Bullet PointThe Up Arrow button will move the highlighted item upward one spot for each click.

Bullet PointThe Down Arrow button will move the highlighted item downward one spot for each click.

Bullet PointThe Delete button on the Segment Name field when clicked will delete the selected record.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left of the form for help on the form that is currently opened.


Info Notes:


1.  Newly added segments that are not yet used in building account/s will not be allowed to re-arrange its position.


2.  Only segments not yet used in build account/s will be allowed to be renamed.


3.  Primary Account are not allowed to be modified or deleted.


4.  Segments that are already in use will not be allowed to be deleted.


5.  When you re-arrange the account structure and then click save, a message will prompt telling you that  this will update the structure of all existing accounts.  You then have the option to either proceed with updating it by clicking Yes button or simply cancel it by clicking No button.