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Account Groups

In the Account Groups form you add and group your accounts into groups and sub groups based on how you want your Chart of Accounts to flow for each of the System Account types:  Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue and Expenses.


Example: If your company has a sales, delivery and service department you may wish to track your fuel expenses separately.  One way of setting this up would be:


Account Group                Sub Group

Expense                System

  Fuel                        Expense

     Sales                Fuel

     Service                Fuel

     Delivery                Fuel


As you can see the sub group simply takes the name of the group directly above it in the flow.  If you wanted to break it down even further, you could set it up as follows:


Account Group                Sub Group

Expense                System

  Fuel                        Expense

     Sales                Fuel

        Cars                Sales

        Trucks                Sales

     Service                Fuel

        Cars                Service

        Trucks                Service

     Delivery                Fuel

        Cars                Delivery

        Trucks                Delivery


Form Buttons

Form Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will open the Account Subgroup form where you can add account group and subgroup.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the changes made in Account Groups form.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected account subgroup.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Print button will open the Account Groups Preview, which allows you to review and print.

Bullet PointThe Refresh button will refresh the Inventory Categories form therefore showing the changes you have just made.

Bullet PointThe Structure button will open the Account Structure form where you can view and define a specific account structure.

Bullet PointThe Segments button will open the Segment Accounts form where you can view and setup your primary accounts and segment accounts.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Account Structure form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left of the form for help on the form that is currently opened.


Info Notes:


1. You can re-arrange the position of the Account Groups by dragging it onto the desired Account Group or subgroup.


2.  System-used account groups like Receivables, Payables, Undeposited Funds, Cash Accounts, Credit Card Accounts and Retained Earnings are not allowed to be deleted.


3.  Account groups that are already used in the Chart of Accounts are not allowed to be deleted.


Related Topics

Account Subgroups

New Account Wizard

How to add Account Groups and Subgroups