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Add Deduction Types

This form provides a quick method of adding several existing Deduction Types to the Deduction List box on either the Deduction Groups form or the Employees form under the deduction tab.  To add new Deduction Types, See: Adding Deduction Types


This form will list all the existing deduction types that are available to add to the Deductions List box of either those forms.  If you do not see a particular deduction type you want to use, make sure it has already been created in the Deduction Types form.  You will not be able to select the same deduction type more than once, so if it is already in the Deduction List box it will not appear in the Add Deduction Types form.

Use your mouse to click on all the deduction types you want to add to the Deduction List box.  When you have selected all the deduction types you want to add, click the OK button.  The Add Deduction Types form will close and all the deduction types you selected will be added to the Deductions List box on the Deduction Groups form or Employees form under the Deduction Tab.  You will notice that all the fields and tax exemptions are filled in exactly like they were setup in the Deduction Types form.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all listed deduction types.  If the majority of the deduction types will be selected you may want to click the Select All button to select all deduction types and then go back and clear the few that are not needed.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will automatically clear or remove the deduction type  from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Deduction Types button will open the Deduction Types form.


Buttons at the bottom of the form

Bullet PointThe OK button will close the Add Deduction Types form and add all of the selected deduction types to the Deduction List box.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will close the Add Deduction Type form without adding any deduction types.