The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new customer notes.
You have two choices with regards to accessing the Customer Notes form.
Option 1: From the Main menu, click on Contact Manager, then Customer Notes. The Customer Notes Find form will come up where you can click on the New Customer Note button in the lower left hand corner. You will be brought to Customer Notes form. The form will open and clear so you can add a new record.
Option 2: From the Main menu, click on Contact Manager, then Customers. The Customer Find form will come up where you can click on the Customer you are looking for. If you need to Add a new Customer, see: Adding Customers. Once you have clicked on the Customer, the Customer form will appear. Next click the Notes tab at the top of the form, then click the ellipse button to be able to add new Customer Notes.
1.The cursor will be flashing in the Date field with the current date already entered or you can click the drop down button next to this field to open the calendar form where you can graphically enter a date. This is a required field.
2.The current time has already been entered in the Time field or you can double click the field to be able to enter a new time.
3.In the Duration field, you can enter the amount of time - in minutes - that you spent with the customer. Later, you can create reports based on that duration for the customer to summarize time spent on that issue, or problem.
4.The Customer ID field will already be filled in with the Customer you selected from the find form or you may enter a different customer ID.
5.Enter a User from the pull down box. This would normally be the person who spoke with the customer or is recording the note.
6.Next, enter a Topic from the drop down menu. Here you can choose to assign a topic to the note like Information, Tech Support or Problem. This will help categorize your notes. To be able to add a new Topic just click the ellipse button and the Topic form will appear. You will be able to add or edit Topics in this forms.
7.The Notes field is a memo field which, basically means it is large enough to handle 64,000 characters of text.