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When you click the Find button on any form the Find form will open.  You will see tabs available to search under in the Find form.  Below is a description of the Find form.  Note the section located a little over half way through this Help topic titled, "Transaction Finds." The discussion of Transaction Finds will be especially useful for Finding when working with records in such forms as the Invoice, Purchase Order, or Purchase Receipt.


An Example of using the Find form while working with Customer information

On the Customer Find Form you will notice the filter row on the top of the grid where you can enter keywords of the records you are searching for. You can enter keywords on any of the fields . Once you have located the Customer you want, click on the Open Selected button to bring that one record back to the Customer form.  If you located more than one customer with the keywords you entered, let's say twenty customers,  and would like to transfer all the data of the customers back to the Customer form, you may click on the Open All button at the top of the Find form.  To clarify further on the use of the Open All button, you will notice that, once back in the Customer form, the records area in the lower right hand corner will display that you are in let's say five of twenty, the twenty referring to the twenty customers you selected from the particular keyword you entered.


Sort Field

Here you will have the option of sorting your data in ascending or descending alphabetical/numerical order.  Click the column header to sort your data in ascending or descending order.  By default, for example,  Customer find form is sorted in ascending order by Customer ID. Clicking on the Company Name header will sort the records in ascending order by Company Name. Click again the column header and records will now be sorted in descending order by Company Name. You can click on any column header on which you want your records to be sorted.


Tighten your Search: The Advanced Search Tab

This enables you to tighten your finding parameters.  For Example, let's say you want to Find a Customer who you know is in California and with the Customer Type of Retailer. On the Filter Control Panel, add condition State "is like" and enter "CA " (for California) in the Criteria field.  Then, you can add another condition Customer Type "is like" and enter Retailer in the criteria field.  The data in the form will dynamically reduce the lines of data as you enter the criteria.  Only the records that matches the criteria is now displayed on the grid. You can save this Advanced Search by clicking Save button to retrieve this in the future. Once you have located the Customer you want, click on the Open Selected button to bring that one record back to the Customer form.  If you located more than one customer with the keywords you entered, let's say twenty customers,  and would like to transfer all the data of the customers back to the Customer form, you may click on the Open All button at the top of the Find form.  To clarify further on the use of the Open All button, you will notice that, once back in the Customer form, the records area in the lower right hand corner will display that you are in let's say five of twenty, the twenty referring to the twenty customers you selected from the particular keyword you entered.


To tighten your search criteria even further, you may repeat the above process and then select another Field Name, operator and criteria. The program will tighten its search based on the criteria you entered on the Filter Control Panel. The data in the form will dynamically reduce the lines of data as you enter the criteria. Only the records that matches the criteria is now displayed on the grid. You can save this Advanced Search by clicking Save button to retrieve this in the future. Once you have located the Customer you want, click on the Open Selected button to bring that one record back to the Customer form.  If you located more than one customer with the keywords you entered, let's say twenty customers,  and would like to transfer all the data of the customers back to the Customer form, you may click on the Open All button at the top of the Find form.  To clarify further on the use of the Open All button, you will notice that, once back in the Customer form, the records area in the lower right hand corner will display that you are in let's say five of twenty, the twenty referring to the twenty customers you selected from the particular keyword you entered.


Transaction Finds

When working in such forms as Invoice, Purchase Order, Purchase Receipt the selection of the Date tab may be of special assistance.  When selecting Date paid, you may select the date from the dropdown calendar or chose a date range from the list of operators. You may then use the methods described above to further tighten your search.


The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one record to another.  It also displays how many records are in the form and what record you are currently on.  Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or closing.

Bullet PointThe New button will bring you to the appropriate form to enter a new record.  For example, if you are working on Customers, clicking on the New button will bring up the Customer form where you will be able to enter New Customer data.

Bullet PointThe Save button will only display if you are in the Advanced Search tab of the Find For. This will save the conditions you entered for a specific search.

Bullet PointThe Open Selected button will transfer one record (and all the data in that one record that meets all the criteria you have sorted for) to the form you are working on--say the Customer form, for example.

Bullet PointThe Open All button will open all records (and all the data in each record that meet all the criteria you have sorted for) to the form you are working on. ----say the Customer form, for example.

Bullet PointThe Find Line Items button will enable you to search line items for a certain product id, descriptions, warehouse, job id and so on.

Bullet PointThe Print button will print the search result.

Bullet PointThe Export button will allow you to export the search results to your desired file type namely:  HTML, PDF, RTF, Text and Excel.

Bullet PointThe Group By button will allow you to group the records depending on the header you drag and drop on the top of the grid.

The Refresh button will allow you to refresh the form as if it is opened for the first time. See Refresh Button on Find Forms.

The Settings button will open the Find Form Setting form where you can select the fields you want to be shown in the Find form.

Bullet PointThe More button will display the next set of records. This button can be used if the number of records that matches the criteria exceeds the number set in Default Records to Retrieve field in User Preferences form, Setup tab.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the  form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.


Closing the Find Form

One way you may exit the Find form is by selecting the records you were working on in the Find form and return to your initial form.  This may be accomplished by clicking on the Open Selected or Open Displayed buttons.


The other method of exiting the Find form is by clicking on the X box in the upper right hand corner of the form.


Keep Find Form Open

You may keep Find Form open even if you already open a record. This can be allowed when Keep Find Form Open option from User Preference form is enabled.


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Search Conditions

Ignore Special Characters when filtering

Auto Filter Records as you type

Keep Find Form Open