The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Prospect Ship To Locations.
1. From the Prospect Form click on the Ship To Button. This will bring up the Prospect Ship To List form. Click the New button or the ellipse button next to an existing record on the Prospect Ship To List form to open the Prospect Ship To Locations form. Once the prospect Ship To Locations form is open, click the New button to clear the form and move your cursor to the Ship ID field.
2. You must assign a unique Ship ID for each prospect ship to location, which can be 15 alphanumeric characters in length. For example: Joe Smith might be referenced as SMITH using the first four letters of the last name, the first letter of the first name and then 01. There are many different naming conventions to choose from when creating your ID's. Some companies use the phone number or just a unique number for of their ID's. When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.
3. You can then fill in all the basic prospect ship to information like company, c/o (In care of), name, address, city, zip code, county and country. This is the main data that will be displayed in the Ship To sections of all sales transactions created for this prospect when you choose to use one of the alternate shipping locations. You will notice as you Tab through these fields the program will skip over the City and State and bring you to the Zip Code field combo box. The Zip code combo box will list every zip code you have entered up to this point. If you enter a zip code that you have not used before, a message will appear asking if you want to add the add zip code. If you choose to add the zip code then the Zip/Postal Code form will open. You will then need to fill in the city, state, county and country and click the Ok button to add it to the Zip Code records. The city, state, county and country will now be automatically filled in and you will never have to enter that information twice. From now on in any form that uses zip codes you will be able to select and use the one you just entered saving you data entry time. You can add, delete and edit zip codes from the Zip/Postal Code form at any time.
4. Then enter a Phone Number Field. The format for the phone number field can be changed in the Company Preferences form in the Input Mask Field.
5. You can also add a default Tax Code 1 and Tax Code 2 to each of the Ship To records. This will override any sales tax codes that have been filled in on a sales transactions that you use an alternate ship to location. You can add additional Sales Tax codes in the Tax Codes [Sales] form and also select default sales tax codes to automatically fill in from the Security form > Default Accounts tab.
6. When you are through filling out all the of the information about your prospect ship to location you can click on the New button to add another record or click the X button to close the form.