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This form is the control center for the security of VisionCore.  It is here that you establish the users, their passwords, their permissions and settings.  Each area is described in greater detail below and grouped by their tab names.


Settings tab

The Settings tab displays basic security information like User ID, Full Name, User Role and Description.  Override Password Settings, Password Expiration, User Options and Email Password information are also shown and configured in this tab.


Fields at the top of the form

1.        The User ID field is read only and will display the User ID added when you created the user.

2.        The Full Name field is read only and will display the name entered in the User Profile tab > User Profile area > Full Name field.

3.        The Override Password field will show ‘Enable for Administrator Only’ if the particular user is set to have user rights like POS User, Sales Rep User, Custom User or any other created user role.   While the Change Override Password button will be shown if the user is set to have Administrator rights.  If you want to change the Override Password, click that button and enter the new password.   By the way, this password will work with override options under Override Password Settings area.

4.        The User Role field can be set to Administrator, Custom User, Sales Rep User, POS User or any other created user role.  The Administrator type automatically has the highest level of security with no restrictions.  Normally there should only be one Administrator type and the rest Users.  Keep in mind that you will not be able to modify any settings in the Security form if you are not logged in as  User with Administrator user role.  If you need to add a new user role, click on the ellipse button on this field to open the User Roles form and add it.

5.        The Description field displays the description for every user role.

Override Password Settings

The Override Password Settings area allows for global security options, which will require when selected, a password each time the specified action is attempted.

1.        Customer Credit Hold (Orders/Invoices) - When you enable this check box, the Credit Hold field is enabled in the Customer form for a particular customer. This will require you to enter a password for that customer to create any add sales or service transactions. This is important if you want to be able to prevent your employees from entering transactions for customers that are on a Credit Hold or above their assigned Credit Limit. You will also be required to enter the assigned password to disable the Credit Hold check box field or change the Credit Limit amount field for that customer in the Customer form. Also any add customers created while the Customer Credit Holds option is enabled will automatically enable the Credit Hold check box field for that customer. This will force a supervisor or administrator to have to approve all add customers being entered into the system. There will be a default password of '1234' assigned to the Customer Credit Hold item when you first enable it.

2.        Sales Price Override (Orders/Invoices) - When you enable this check box, VisionCore will require a password to edit, or change the Customer Sales price in Sales Order and Sales Invoice. There will be a default password of '1234' assigned to the Customer Sales Price item when you first enable it.

3.        Minimum Margin Override - When you enable this check box,  you will be required to enter the password every time you try to sell the item for less than the assigned Minimum Profit Margin set in Company Preferences form > Inventory Tab.  There will be a default password of '1234' assigned to the Minimum Margin Override item when you first enable it.

4.        Low Sold Price Override - When you enable this checkbox, you will be required to enter the assigned password every time you try to sell an item for less than the previous sales price. This will be based on ALL the Customer’s previous sales transactions of that item. The system would look up the lowest price the particular customer ever paid in the past on a posted Invoice.  There will be a default password of '1234' assigned to the Low Sold Price item when you first enable it.

Password Expiration

1.The Enable Expiration check box allows you to set whether or not an account is to have an expiration date.

2.When Enable Expiration checkbox is checked, Expiration Date will be visible.

 Setting an Expiration Date can be useful if you only want a user to be setup for a temporary period of time. If you want the User to be active forever then uncheck the Enable Expiration check box.  If the date you created is older than the systems date then that user will no longer be active and will lose the ability to login or use the program under that user name.  You can use the drop down button to the right of this field to graphically enter an expiration date.

User Options

1.The User must change password on next log on check box when selected will require to change the password the next time the user logs on.

2.The User cannot change password check box when selected will restrict the user from changing the password.

3.The User is disabled check box when selected will mark the user as inactive and will lose the ability to login or use the program under that user name.  

4.The Allow Remember Password checkbox when enabled will have that same option shown in Sign In form and will retain the user's password as well.  See: How Remember Password works  

Email Password

1.        The Email Address field allows you to enter an e-mail address that will be used for retrieving user name and password.

User Profile tab

This is where default values and User Profile are configured.  The Workstation Specification area shows read-only fields that hold information about your workstation specs.


The following will explain in detail the Default Values area.  Other areas and User Profile areas are self-explanatory.

1.        The POS Customer field is where you can set the default POS Customer that will be used every time the user creates POS transaction.  Clicking the the drop down arrow on this field will show all customers added to the Customer form.  Clicking the ellipse button will open the Customer record.  Say this field is blank, clicking the ellipse button will allow you to create a new customer.

2.        The POS Report field is where you can set a type of POS report to print on POS transactions. Choices are POS Sales Receipt and POS Sales Receipt (3-inch)

3.        The Store ID field is where you can set the default Store ID that will be used every time the user creates POS transaction.  Clicking the drop down arrow on this field will show all store IDs added to the Store form.  Clicking the ellipse button will open the Store record.  Say this field is blank, clicking the ellipse button will allow you to create a new store .

Default Accounts Tab

It is IMPORTANT that you spend time going through each of your account setup to make sure that those are setup correctly for your business.  The following paragraphs will explain in detail what Defaults Accounts can do and how it can be managed.


The Default Accounts is used to assign default Account ID's from the Chart of Accounts to key areas of the program.  By setting up the default accounts, VisionCore will automatically fill in these accounts when creating transactions throughout the program.  Setting Default Accounts is necessary to ensure that particular Accounts are used in the important and required Account ID fields throughout the program.  All of your default accounts can be set up from this form. 


Setting your default accounts help speed up data entry when you are adding a new transaction.  All the vital account codes will fill in automatically for you.  If you want, you can override the default Account ID directly in the actual transaction form.


Your Default Accounts are set up when you create a new company database.  You can click on the down arrow to review your Chart of Accounts and to select the Account ID that is to be used as a Default. 


You will not be able to delete an account in the Chart of Accounts that is set as a Default Account.  If you need to delete one of these accounts, you must first create a new Account ID.  Then, change the Default Account to this newly created Account.  Once that has been done, you will be able to delete the Account ID that was previously a Default Account.


Info Note that Comtech Solutions strongly recommends to populate all the fields in Security form > Default Accounts tab.


At the top of the Default Accounts tab there is the Account Template field where you can select a pre-defined default accounts setup.  Click on the ellipse button on this field to open the Default Account Templates form where you can add, edit, duplicate, export and even import default account template. This can be very helpful of you are creating another user and you would want the same set of default accounts, saving you time from adding it all over again. Use the Update Users button if you would want the changes on the selected default account template be applied to users that use the said default account template.



Bullet PointAccounts Receivable - Normally set to an Asset account and is used in the sales and service transaction forms to track Accounts Receivables.  The A/R Account combo box field in the sales or service transaction forms will automatically be filled in with the account specified in this field.  This will track the amount of the total field at the bottom of the sales or service transaction forms in the General Ledger using the Accounts Receivables Account ID entered in this field.

Bullet PointFreight - Normally set to a Revenue account and is used in the sales and service transactions to track the amount of the Freight field at the bottom of the form.

Bullet PointCustomer Tax Code - Set to the default Tax Code that will automatically be entered into the Tax Code combo box field on all sales and service transactions.  This will also be the default Tax Code assigned to the Tax Code combo box field on the Customer form when creating a new customer.  You should create your tax codes in the Tax Codes [Sales] form before setting up a default code.

Bullet PointReceivable Discounts - Normally set to an Expense account and is used in the sales and service transactions to track any discount given to a customer.

Bullet PointDiscount on Invoices - Normally set to a Cost of Sales account and is used in the sales and service transactions to track the offset to the Receivable Discounts.



Bullet PointAccounts Payable - Normally set to a Liability account and is used in the purchase transaction forms to track Accounts Payable.  The A/P Account combo box field in the purchase transaction forms will automatically be filled in with the account specified in this field.  This will track the amount of the total field at the bottom of the purchase transaction forms in the General Ledger using the Accounts Payable Account ID entered in this field.

Bullet PointFreight - Normally set to a Cost of Sales account and is used in the purchase transactions to track the amount of the Freight field at the bottom of the form.

Bullet PointVendor Tax Code - Set to the default Tax Code that will automatically be entered into the Tax Code combo box field on all purchase transactions.  This will also be the default Tax Code assigned to the Tax Code combo box field on the Vendor form when creating a new vendor.  You should create your sales tax codes in the Tax Codes [Purchasing] form before setting up a default code.

Bullet PointPayable Discounts - Normally set to an Expense account and is used in purchase transactions to track any discounts given to you from a vendor.

Bullet PointDiscount on Bills - Normally set to a Revenue account and is used in purchase transactions to track the offset to the Payable Discounts.


Inventory Tab

Bullet PointSales - Normally set to a Revenue account and used in the Inventory form for tracking sales income on any inventory item sold.

Bullet PointInventory - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Inventory form for tracking the cost of inventory on any inventory item sold or purchased.

Bullet PointCost of Sales - Normally set to a Cost of Sales account and used in the Inventory form for tracking the cost of inventory items sold.  It is the offset account for the Inventory account.

Bullet PointInventory Gain/Loss - Normally set to an Expense account and is used behind the scenes of a Debit Memo when an inventory item is returned to a vendor at a higher or lower price than purchased.  This is only used with Average Costing.

Bullet PointTax Exempt Code (Sales) - Normally set to NONE and used in the Quotes, Orders and Invoices if the Taxable check box is disabled in Inventory form, Setup Tab .

Bullet PointTax Exempt Code (Purchase) - Normally set to NONE and used in Purchase Orders and Purchase Receipts if the Taxable check box is disabled in Inventory form, Setup tab.


Receivables Tab

Bullet PointAccounts Receivable - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Receivables form to offset the Accounts Receivable account used on the sales or service transactions.

Bullet PointDeposit Account - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Receivables form for tracking the account you will deposit collected funds into.

Bullet PointFinance Charge - Normally set to a Revenue account and used in the Receivables form for tracking any Finance Charges collected.

Bullet PointCustomer Prepayment - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Customer Prepayments form for tracking the your customer advanced deposits, or prepayments.


Payables Tab

Bullet PointAccounts Payable - Normally set to a Liability account and used in the Payables form to offset the Accounts Payable account used on purchase transactions.

Bullet PointPayment Account - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Payables form for tracking the account you will use to pay your purchases.

Bullet PointPayable Interest - Normally set to an Expense account and used in the Payables form for tracking any Interest paid.

Bullet PointVendor Prepayment - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Vendor Prepayments form for tracking the account you will store any vendor advanced deposits paid.


POS (Point of Sale)

Bullet PointAccounts Receivable - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the POS form to offset the Accounts Receivable account used on the point of sale transactions.

Bullet PointFreight - Normally set to a Revenue account and is used in the  point of sales transactions to track the amount of the Freight field at the bottom of the form.

Bullet PointReceivable Discounts - Normally set to an Expense account and is used in the point of sales transactions to track any discounts given to a customer.

Bullet PointDeposit Account - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the POS form for tracking the account you will deposit collected funds into.


Banking Tab

Bullet PointCheckbook - Normally set to an Asset account and used in the Banking forms as the default bank account used to make payments or deposits from.

Bullet PointCredit Card - Normally set to a Liability account and used in the Credit Card forms as the default credit card account used to make payments or charges from.

Bullet PointService Charges - Normally set to an Expense account and used in the Bank Reconciliation form for tracking any service charges incurred on your bank account.

Bullet PointInterest - Normally set to an Revenue account and used in the Bank Reconciliation form for tracking any interest received for your bank account.


Equity Tab

Bullet PointRetained Earnings - Normally set to an Equity account and used in the Fiscal Year Periods form for holding the balance of the Current Year Earnings.

Bullet PointCurrent Year Earnings - Normally set to a Equity account and used in the Chart of Accounts form to display your earnings for the current year.

Bullet PointHistorical Balance - Normally set to an Equity account and used in the Chart of Accounts Opening Balance form to track the offset of any opening Account balances entered.


Payroll Tab

Bullet PointBank Account - Normally set to an Asset account.

Bullet PointEmployee Taxes - Normally set to a Liability account.

Bullet PointCompany Taxes - Normally set to an Expense account.

Bullet PointState Tax - Normally set to a Liability account.

Bullet PointEarnings - Normally set to an Expense account.

Bullet PointDeductions - Normally set to a Liability account.

Bullet PointTime Off - Normally set to a Liability account.


Misc Tab

Bullet PointMisc Income - Normally set to a Revenue account used as a default miscellaneous income account.  This account is mostly used when entering service transactions using only the description line item Line Item Detail display as the default Revenue account.

Bullet PointMisc Expense - Normally set to an Expense account used in the Vendors form Expense combo box field.  This is the default Account ID used in the Line Item Detail area of the Bills form.  When you create a new vendor the Expense field will fill in with the Misc Expense value from the Default Accounts form.  Each Vendor has their own default Expense Account ID, which you can change if you wish.

Bullet PointSales Tax for Sales - Normally set to a Liability account used as a default account for sales tax received.  Used in the Tax Codes [Sales] form.

Bullet PointSales Tax for Purchases - Normally set to an Expense account used as a default account for sales tax paid.  Used in the Tax Codes [Purchasing] form.

Related Topics:

Missing Fields Warning Message in Default Accounts


Form Permissions Tab

The Form Permissions tab allows you to give or deny permission to users to specific forms. This is a very powerful feature, because you can establish specific Access Level for each and every user.  You will see that all VisionCore forms are displayed here and are arranged by module.


Buttons at the top of the form

Bullet PointThe Add button when clicked will open the Add Form Permission form where you can select VisionCore forms to be added on the Form Permissions tab.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all forms added on the Form Permissions tab, and,  if you select a permission from the Set Permission combo box field, you will automatically change all the permissions for the selected forms.  Example, clicking Select All button then selecting No Access in Set Permissions field will change all the permissions for the selected forms to No Access.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will clear or remove forms from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Delete Selected button will remove selected forms from displaying on Form Permissions grid area.

The Set Permissions field at the upper right corner of the form is used to quickly set permission on all selected forms.  You may also use the Permission drop down combo box to one-by-one set Permission to a form.


The quick search fields at the bottom of the form gives you the most flexible way to search for, or find the specific forms you are looking for.  Once you have narrowed your search down to the desired forms, you proceed with setting form permissions.


Search fields

The Filter field is an input field.  As you type in every letter into this field, it automatically filters records that match the entered letter/s or word/s.


The Matching combo box field allows you to choose a default match to search and filter records. The options to choose from are Start Field, Any Part of field and Whole Field.


The In combo box field allows you to choose from the following search criteria: Form Name, Menu, Permission and All Fields.


An example of using the quick menu search:

If you would like to find General Ledger form, you would select Form Name in the combo box field next to Matching field, then type General Ledger in the field to the right of the word 'Filter'.  As you type General Ledger, form listings will automatically filter and show only forms that match the entered letter/s.  



The Grid area is used to display all forms added.  In here you can give or deny permission to specific forms.


Here are the Form Permissions to choose from.

Bullet PointFull Access – allows all functions on Form’s data.

Bullet PointNo Access – allows no interaction on Form’s data. This means that no data will be loaded; adding and deleting will not be allowed.

Bullet PointView Only – allows loading/viewing of data. Adding and deleting will not be allowed.

Bullet PointAdd – allows adding only

Bullet PointView/Add – allows all functions on Form's data, except deleting.

Bullet PointEdit – allows editing only.


Form Control Permissions Tab

The Form Control Permissions tab allows you to give or deny permission for users to specific form controls.  This is a very powerful feature, because you can establish specific permissions for each and every user.  You will see that all VisionCore form controls are displayed here and are arranged by module.


Buttons at the top of the form

Bullet PointThe Add button when clicked will open the Add Form Control Permission form where you can select VisionCore form controls to be added on the Form Control Permissions tab.

Bullet PointThe Add Group button when clicked will open the Add Form Control Permission form where you can select control group permissions that are previously added.  So before you can select a control group you will have to create it first from User Control Groups form.  This form can be opened by clicking Control Groups button at top of the Security form.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all form controls added on the Form Control Permissions tab, and,  if you select a permission from the Set Permission combo box field, you will automatically change all the permissions for the selected form controls.  Example, clicking Select All button then selecting Disable in Set Permissions field will change all the permissions for the selected forms to Disable.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will clear or remove form controls from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Delete Selected button will remove selected form controls from displaying on  Form Control Permissions grid area.


The Set Permissions field at the top of the form is used to quickly set permission on all selected form controls.  You may also use the Permission drop down combo box to one-by-one set Permission to a form control.


Form Control Types:

Bullet PointButton

Bullet PointButton Editor

Bullet PointCheckbox

Bullet PointComboBox

Bullet PointDatepicker

Bullet PointGrid

Bullet PointHyperLink Edit

Bullet PointListbox

Bullet PointMemoedit

Bullet PointPin Edit

Bullet PointRadio Button

Bullet PointTextbox

Bullet PointToolbar Buttons

Bullet PointSpin Edit

Bullet PointTabPage

Here are screenshots to show you an example of the above form controls types.













The quick search fields at the bottom of the form gives you the most flexible way to search for, or find the specific form controls you are looking for.  Once you have narrowed your search down to the desired forms, you proceed with setting form control permissions.


Search fields

The Filter field is an input field.  As you type in every letter into this field, it automatically filters records that match the entered letter/s or word/s.


The Matching combo box field allows you to choose a default match to search and filter records. The options to choose from are Start Field, Any Part of field and Whole Field.


The In combo box field allows you to choose from the following search criteria: Form Name, Control Type, Control Name, Module, Permission and All Fields.


An example of using the quick menu search:

If you would like to find all form controls form Write Checks form, you would select Form Name in the combo box field next to Matching field, then type Write Check in the field to the right of the word 'Filter'.  Now all form controls for Write Checks form will be filtered.

The Grid area is used to display all form controls added.  In here you can give or deny permission to specific form controls.


Here are the Form Control Permissions to choose from.

Bullet PointDisable – the control is disabled but visible

Bullet PointHide – the control is hidden and disabled

Bullet PointBypass – the control is skipped through during “Tabbing” but is still enabled


Report Permissions Tab

The Report Permissions tab allows you to give or deny permission for users to specific reports.  This is a very powerful feature, because you can establish specific permissions for each and every user.  You will see that all VisionCore reports are displayed here and are arranged by module.


Buttons at the top of the form

Bullet PointThe Add button when clicked will open the Add Report Permission form where you can select VisionCore reports to be added on the Report Permissions tab.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all reports added on the Report Permissions tab.  Example, clicking Select All button then selecting Delete Selected button, all reports selected will be removed from the report permission grid area.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will clear or remove reports from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Delete Selected button will remove selected reports from displaying on Report Permissions grid area.

The quick search fields at the bottom of the form gives you the most flexible way to search for, or find the specific report you are looking for.  Once you have narrowed your search down to the desired report/s, you proceed with setting the permissions.


Search fields

The Filter field is an input field.  As you type in every letter into this field, it automatically filters records that match the entered letter/s or word/s.


The Matching combo box field allows you to choose a default match to search and filter records. The options to choose from are Start Field, Any Part of field and Whole Field.


The In combo box field allows you to choose from the following search criteria: Report Name, Report Group, Default Printer and All Fields.


An example of using the quick menu search:

If you would like to find all reports under Accounts Payable report group, you would select Report Group in the combo box field next to Matching field, then type Accounts Payable in the field to the right of the word 'Find'.  Now all reports under Accounts Payable report group will be filtered.



To configure report settings like Collate, Copies, Preview, Print Direct, Permission and Secure Criteria, you may right-click on the particular column and options Select All and Clear All will be available.  If Select All is selected then all reports displayed will be checked, while if Clear All is selected, then all reports will be unchecked.



Menu Permissions Tab

The Menu Permissions tab allows you to give or deny permission for users to specific menu, sub-menu or topic under a menu. This is a very powerful feature, because you can establish specific Permission Level for each and every user.  You will see that all VisionCore menu, sub-menu and other menu items are displayed here and are arranged by module.


Buttons at the top of the form

Bullet PointThe Add button when clicked will open the Add Menu Permission form where you can select VisionCore menu, sub-menu and topics under a menu to be added on the Menu Permissions tab.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all items added on the Menu Permission tabs, and, if you select a permission from the Set Permission combo box field, you will automatically change all the permissions for the selected menus.  Example, clicking Select All button then selecting Disable in Set Permissions field will change all the permissions for the selected menus to Disable.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will clear or remove menus from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Delete Selected button will remove selected menus from displaying on Menu Permissions grid area.

The Set Permissions field at the top right of the form is used to quickly set permission on all selected menus.  You may also use the Permission drop down combo box to one-by-one set Permission to a menu.


The quick search fields at the bottom of the form gives you the most flexible way to search for, or find the specific menus you are looking for.  Once you have narrowed your search down to the desired menu items, you proceed with setting the menu permissions.


Search fields

The Filter field is an input field.  As you type in every letter into this field, it automatically filters records that match the entered letter/s or word/s.


The Matching combo box field allows you to choose a default match to search and filter records. The options to choose from are Start Field, Any Part of field and Whole Field.


The In combo box field allows you to choose from the following search criteria: Menu  Name, Menu, Menu Type, Permission and All Fields.


An example of using the quick menu search:

If you would like to find all menu item under Accounting module, you would select Menu in the combo box field next to Matching field, then type Accounting in the field to the right of the word 'Filter'.  Now all menu items under Accounting will be filtered.



The Grid area is used to display all menus added.  In here you can give or deny permission to specific menus.


Here are the Menu Permissions to choose from.

Bullet PointDisable – the menu is disabled but visible

Bullet PointHide – the menu is hidden and disabled


Info VisionCore Tip:  The Administrator Type is the only User who can modify other Users.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will allow a new user to be added.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected user.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find Users.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected User.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe User Roles button will open the User Roles form where you can add, edit or delete user roles.

Bullet PointThe Control Groups button will open the Control Groups form where you can add, edit or delete control groups.

Bullet PointThe Password button will open the Change Password form where you can change the user's password when logging in to VisionCore.

Bullet PointThe Duplicate button will open the Duplicate User Settings form to allow you to create new user and then apply or use the security settings of an existing one.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Security form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button in the Status bar for help on how to use the Security form.