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Adding RMA's (Return Material Authorizations)

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new RMA.


You may already be in the General tab of the RMA form with the background customer data you want present.  If so, go to step number "2."  If you are in the RMA form and do not have the customer data, begin with step number "1." below.  If you are at the Main Menu, click on the Sales topic, then click on Create New RMA.  You will now be brought to the search form for Customers to enter your RMA.  Click on Create New RMA for help on how to use the New Quote form.  Once you complete the form, you may return to this Adding RMA's help to continue below at step number "2."

1.Click the New button to clear the form so you can enter a new record.  You will now be brought to a search form that will be labeled, "Find the Customer for This RMA".  Click on Create New RMA for help on how to use the New RMA form.  Once you complete the form, you may return to this Adding RMA's help to continue below.

2.You will notice many of the fields on the General tab of the RMA form like Bill To and Ship To will fill in with data based on that Customers.  This can really help speed up data entry and is good reason why you should spend the time to enter data in key fields of the customer form like Name, Sales Tax ID's, Ship Via, Terms and Currency.   Review and adjust the fields as necessary, pressing the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the each field.  A description of the General tab fields is listed in this Help section after step number "5."

3.Next, click on the Items Tab of the Quotes form.  Complete the filling in of the Item No, Qty, and other fields and reviewing the other fields to ensure they are appropriate for the particular RMA.  This form has sub forms that you will need to review/add to as well.  Note that the form automatically draws in the information you have entered previously.  You may click on the following link, RMA Items Tab for additional information on the RMA Items tab.

4.Next, click on the Detail and Commission tabs, review/add/edit data as appropriate.  You may click on the following links if you would like additional information on either tab: RMA Detail Tab or RMA Commission Tab.

5.Click back to the General tab.  Here are some of the options you now have:
Bullet PointYou may click on the Process button which will enable you to convert the RMA to a Credit Memo.  See Converting RMAs.
Bullet PointYou may click on the X button at the upper right hand corner to close the form and convert later.
Bullet PointYou may print the RMA.


Description of General tab in the Quote form

1.The RMA Number field will be automatically filled in with a unique number based on the starting number that is assigned in the Starting Numbers form.  This number is used as a reference for you and VisionCore to help find this transaction later if necessary.  It can be manually changed on this form as long as it does not duplicate a previous RMA Number.

2.The Customer ID field is used to show the Customer identification number.

3.The Date field will automatically be filled in with today's date.  This can be changed to whatever date the customer placed the RMA.  Click the dropdown button next to this field to open the miniature calendar form where you can graphically enter the date.

4.The Transaction Type field displays that the transaction is  an RMA.

5.The Currency field is used to assign a default currency for each RMA.  Normally, this will automatically fill in with your default Currency ID setup for the selected customer in the Customers form.  You can override the Currency after it fills in if you need to.  If the currency you want to use is not in the list you will have to add it to the Currency Exchange Rate form.  You will notice that if you use a different currency other than the default currency set in the Company Preferences form, that the Total fields will display a different background color as to what is setup in Company Preferences form.

6.The PO Number field is where you can enter the Customer's Purchase Order number your customer provided to you for this invoice.

7.The Bill To area will display all the details of the selected customer.  You can click the Ellipse button next to this section to open the Customer Bill To Information form where you can change this information independent of the customer.

8.The Ship To area will display the default customer ship to information that is entered in the Customers form.  You can click the Ellipse button next to this section to open the Customer Ship To Information form where you can change this location.

9.The Terms field will fill in with the default terms setup for the selected customer.  This field is used to enter the payment terms for the Invoice, which details how that customer must pay for the merchandise.  If the Terms you give are not in the combo box click the Ellipse button next to the field to open the Terms form where you can add or edit the terms.  Terms are directly connected to the receivables and will determine what discounts or interest that customer may receive.

10.The Cancel Date field is used to enter a date the transaction will be canceled if it has not been filled or shipped.  This field will be blank by default.  Click the dropdown button next to this field to open the miniature Calendar form where you can graphically enter the date.

11.The Ship Date will be the date you enter to ship the items.  You may click on the dropdown button located a the end of the ship date field to choose the shipment date.

12.The Ship Via field will fill in with the default ship via setup for the selected customer.  This field is used to assign a shipping method for the Invoice.  If there is not a shipping method you want to use in the combo box click the Ellipse button next to the field to open the Ship Via form where you can add or edit the shipping methods.

13.The Sales Rep field will fill in with the default salesperson entered for the selected customer.  You can select from all the entered sales reps in the Sales Reps form.

14.The Status field will provide the current status of the order, such as In Process, Pending, On Hold or Approved.

15.The FOB (Free On Board) field is used to enter/review the site from which you usually ship your invoiced products.  In traditional accounting terms, FOB is an acronym for "free on board" and refers to the terms between the buyer and seller regarding the transportation costs and the moment at which the buyer assumes ownership of an item.

16.At the bottom left of the form, the Stock Information fields will display how many items are In Stock, Committed, Allocated, Available, Back Ordered and On Order.

17.The Subtotal field will display the total before sales tax of all the line items entered in the Line Item Detail.

18.The Freight field can be used to enter shipping costs for the transaction.  The combo box field to the right of this field is the Tax field where you can enter one from the different methods of charging tax for the Freight field.

19.The Tax field will display the sum of the calculated sales tax for the Tax  fields you completed in the Items tab of the Invoices form.

20.The Total field will display the total of the transaction which the customer owes you.  This field adds the Subtotal, Freight, and Tax fields together to come up with the total amount.  This is the amount that will be entered in the General Ledger when you Process this transaction.

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