To create a jobs bill, go to Contacts menu > Project Management > Jobs Bill. You will be brought to the Find Bills form. Click the New button at the upper left hand corner of the form to open the Find the Job for this Jobs Bill form.
Take note that only jobs set as Master Developer (in Jobs form – Contract tab) will be displayed.
Select a job to bring you to the Bill form. This transaction works like a standard Bill in VisionCore, the only difference is it specifically involves a job. You will notice that this form is filled in with information from the selected job like Contract ID, Job ID, Job Title and Contract Value.
The Complete (in percent) field is where you can enter a value that indicates how many percent will be added to the total percentage progress of the job. This same percentage will also be shown in the Recovery of Advance field.
Enter costs incurred for the job in Misc Items tab. Click the Ellipse button in the Qty field to specify the cost of the line item. Project Clause will be discussed in the following sections of this documentation.
Other fields like Retention Amount (in percent), Penalties Amount, Recovery of Advance (in percent) fields are user input fields where you can enter/modify the value as necessary. Approved amount for Recovery of Advance is computed as Recovery of Advance percentage multiplied to the Advance Payment entered in Contract tab.
Then post this bill.
In case you would want to create a jobs bill that includes an inventory item, you will have to create a Purchase Receipt first. Here are the steps.
1. Create a new Purchase Receipt.
To open Purchase Receipt form, go to Purchasing> New Purchase Receipt, this will open the Find the Vendor for this Purchase Receipt form.
Select a vendor for that purchase receipt. When the Purchase Receipt form opens, enter inventory items in Items tab and receive these items.
2. Process this Purchase Receipt to Bill.
3. Save this Bill and take not of the Bill Number.
4. Now go back to Contacts Menu> Project Management> Jobs Bill. When the Find Bills form opens, select the previously created Bill (BL-10016).
5. You can add Misc Items if you have it. Then assign a Project Clause and then post this Bill.
Move to the next topic: Chapter XIII : Jobs Invoice