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Fields Tab

This is used to store the names of different contact methods used like Phone, Fax, E-mail, Web Site, and any other information that you use.


Three sections of User Field help are contained in this Help topic and will be discussed below: Combo Box Selection of a User Field, Adding a New User Field, and, the User Defined Detail Form.


Combo Box Selection of a User Field

Under the Field column heading, simply click on the little combo box button (the arrow head pointing down) to select the type of user field you wish.  Then, type in the value (whether it be a phone number, an E-mail address, etc.) in the Value field.  As you can see, you may add a number of user fields.


This form can be opened from any form that uses User Fields like the customer or vendor forms by clicking the Ellipse button next to the field.  You can even create or select a Mask Format for each of the User Fields, which allows you to just type in the numbers and not the dashes, brackets, etc.  For instance you could use a mask of !(@@@) @@@-@@@@ and assign it to the Phone contact method.  Every time you enter a phone number like 8005551212 the mask would automatically change it to display like (800) 555-1212.  See Input Masks for more detail on the mask symbols you can use and how they work.


Several default contact methods and masks will be entered when you create a new data file.  You can add, delete, change a Mask or change the Sort order of the Contacts you have entered in this form.  Below is a description how you enter or change information in the User Fields form.


Adding a New User Field: The User Fields form

If you click on the Ellipse button to the left of the Field column header you will enter into the User Fields form.  This button appears on any form with a contact method field like the customer, vendor, orders, employee and job forms.  Inside the User Fields form you will see a type or types of User Field names, the chosen Mask for each method and the Sort order.
You can change the Sort order or the Mask number of the line item that you are on.  If you wish to add a new User Field, click on the New button at the top of the form.  To add a new Mask number and format, scroll down until there is a blank line and then enter the add mask.  The Mask Format is where you can set a format for a certain User Field.  For instance, if you have selected Work Phone as the User Field type, Mask #1 is assigned to that type.  Mask #1 reads !(@@@) @@@-@@@@.  The "!" makes the mask left-justified and the "@" allows you to input any kind of character.  Therefore, if you are in the User Field field, select Work Phone and type in 1234567890, it will appear as (123) 456-7890.


You may have another mask setup as Mask #2 and it can be used for any kind of data or number such as an E-Mail address or Web site.  This mask would read !@@@@@@@@@@@@@.  You may also alter these masks or create more of your own.  See Input Masks for more detail on the mask symbols you can use and how they work.


No matter what you must make sure you have a mask assigned to each of the user fields that are entered.  If you do not want to use a mask format for some reason use the example in Mask #2 above to avoid formatting the entered data.


User Defined Field Detail Form

Once you selected the User Type and Value in the User Fields section, you may click on the Ellipse button next to the User Type to bring you to a powerful feature located in the User Defined Field Detail form.

1.The User Field field will display the User Field type you have selected.

2.The Value Mask will display the Values you entered for the User Field, such as the numerals in a phone a phone number.

3.The Value note pad looking field will display the Values you entered for the User Field, such as the numerals in a phone a phone number.  The significance of this area is that you may view the values more clearly than in the space provided in the Value area of the User Fields area of the Detail tab.  Additionally, you can write in this section, expanding on what you may already have written in the Value area on the previous form.

4.The Mask Type field will display the Mask Type you have selected.

Website Details

Bullet PointShow on B2B Website. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Show on B2B Website if you would like the information to be showed on B2B website.

Bullet PointShow on B2C Website. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Show on B2C Website if you would like the information to be showed on B2C website.

Bullet PointHyperlink. Click the check mark box to the left of the word Hyperlink if you would like the information to be hyperlinked.

Bullet PointTarget. Enter the Web Target information.

Bullet PointHyperlink: Enter the Hyperlink.


Form Buttons

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Security form.

Bullet PointPress F1 or click F1-Help button in the Status bar for help on how to use the User Defined Field Detail form.

Related Topics

User Fields

User Defined Field Detail


Input Masks