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Converting Quotes

When you click the Process button, the Convert Transaction form will open.  You will have a choice of converting the selected Quote to an Order, Invoice,  Purchase Order, Purchase Order [Drop Ship Selected] or Purchase Order [Drop Ship All] and be able to check the check box at the bottom of the form to Delete the original Quote.  After you select to convert to a new transaction it will be created with all the same data as the Quote and a message will appear informing you when the process is complete.  The message box will also display the add transaction number and ask if you want to view the add transaction.  Click 'Yes' to close the current customer quote and open the transaction or 'No' to remain on the current customer quote.


Once the add transaction has been created the original Quote will be stamped Completed and you will not be able to alter the information for that Quote.  This prevents it from inadvertently being changed after it has been converted.  You will still be able to select most of the fields in the customer quote form but you will not be able to change any of the data.


Converting Quoterder to Purchase Order [Drop Ship Selected]

Converting Order to a Purchase Order [Drop Ship Selected] will carry over only the items set as drop ship and will take the customer's Ship To information as the Purchase Order's Ship To information.


Converting Quote to Purchase Order [Drop Ship All]

Converting Order to a Purchase Order [Drop Ship All] will carry over all items regardless the item is a drop ship item or not and will take the customer's Ship To information as the Purchase Order's Ship To information.

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