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Credit Memo

The Credit Memo form is a search form that provides you with convenient options.  You have two methods by which to bring up existing customer information.


Method One

Type in the first few letters or numbers in any of the fields in the General or Advanced tabs then click on the Ok button.  VisionCore will bring up the Credit Memo form with the closest match to the inputs you have provided.    The Credit Memo form will now appear, conveniently providing all of the customer information from past orders. If you would like Help from this form, press the F1 key for further assistance.  Common help topics include: Adding Credit Memo, Credit Memo Overview.


Method Two

Locate the fields that have a combo box (an upside down arrow head in a box):


If you select the Customer ID field,  click on the arrow, locate and click your customer in the mini-form that pops up, then click on the Ok button in the upper right hand corner of the Credit Memo form.  VisionCore will bring up the Credit Memo form with the closest match to the inputs you have provided.    The Credit Memo form will now appear, conveniently providing all of the customer information from past orders. If you would like Help from this form, press the F1 key for further assistance.  Common help topics include: Adding Credit Memo, Credit Memo Overview.


If you select Transaction Type, Salesperson, Date to Search, Date Range, and/or Order Type Fields, click on the respective little combo box (an arrow head pointing down) by each field, locate your customer in the bottom half of the form, and, double click on your customer.   VisionCore will bring up the Credit Memo form with the closest match to the inputs you have provided.    The Credit Memo form will now appear, conveniently providing all of the customer information from past orders. If you would like Help from this form, press the F1 key for further assistance.  Common help topics include: Adding Credit Memo, Credit Memo Overview.


Note that in either method the Exact Search check box under the cancel button forces the search to find exactly what you type anywhere in the search form.  Otherwise, the search form is set for a wildcard search, meaning it will search the customer form for the characters you type in no matter where they are in the field.



In the Conditions combo box you can select a certain condition to apply when searching for customers.  The default will always be "Like", which should be used for all normal searching.  The different conditions allow you to customize what you are searching for in a more specific manor.  See Search Conditions for further descriptions and examples of all the different search conditions available.


Related Topics

Credit Memo Overview