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User Preferences

In the User Preferences form you can adjust several of the settings in VisionCore to better suit your specific workstation needs.  For example, you can setup your Program resolution, Scheduler, Check Style, Check Type, Printing Defaults and Main Menu options.  Most of these options are self-explanatory they are described in greater detail below grouped by their tab names.  The User Preference information will be saved per User Name specified in the Security form.  This enables you to login at different workstations and still have your specified User Preferences saved.


Setup Tab

This tab lists several options that open other forms that are used to customize VisionCore.  For additional information of these forms see their various topics.


Start Menu

The Keep Start Menu Visible option is used to display the Start Menu when VisionCore  Main Menu is opened.  This form enables you to review form and report favorites; review scheduled activities; quick search for Customer/Prospect, Inventory, Receivable and Vendor, an overview of your monthly and yearly sales and review the system workflow.


Find Form Settings

The Keep Find Form Open option is used to display the Find Forms even after you select a record to open. This will allow you to go back on find forms right away without opening it again.


Map Services

The Map Service Option enables you to choose a predefine search engine, namely: Google & Yahoo, to locate addresses via internet (when you click the colored globe button on the Address field of any form, provided that you have internet access and the address is completely filled in).


Program resolution

The Program Resolution option is used to stretch all the forms to fill the full screen if your computer resolution is set higher than 640x480.  Keep in mind that stretching forms like this may distort some of them in real high resolutions like 1280 X 1024.  This option may NOT run correctly on all Computers, especially with certain video cards and Video drivers.


Default Workflow

The Default Workflow option is used to set the default workflow on Start Menu.  You can open the Start Menu from the File menu > Start Menu or you can click the icon below the File menu.


Business Date Settings

The Business Date field is used to set the default date to be used by VisionCore when creating  new record and transaction, updating existing record and transaction and even when printing reports.  Business Date set on this field will also be shown at the bottom right of VisionCore's main menu.  By default, this will show your system date.


The Override System Date with Business Date checkbox is used if you want to use or set a default date other than your system date.  Check this box if you want to override your system date with a preferred date.  Once this is checked, Business Date field will be enabled so you can set the date.  See also Override System Date with Business Date.


The Update Business Date on Start up checkbox is used if you want to be reminded of your Business Date settings during VisionCore start up.  Check this box if you want to be reminded.  A message will be shown during VisionCore start up so you can update or set the new date.


Automatically Save Record

This will automatically save the record when closing the form or moving to the next record.


Use the New Customer Wizard to add new customer

Enable this option to open the Customer Wizard every time you create a new customer.  See also, New customer Wizard.


Show Invoice warning for Item Reorder Point

When this option is enabled, an Invoice warning message will automatically appear once the quantity in stock for a certain product has dropped the Reorder Point specified in the Inventory form.  To illustrate how this feature works, see Show Invoice warning for Item Reorder Point.


System Tab


General Startup Options

All of these options will display certain forms or messages when VisionCore first runs.


Show Start Menu on startup

This will display the Start Menu, which enables you to review form and report favorites; review scheduled activities; quick search for Customer/Prospect, Inventory, Receivable and Vendor, an overview of your monthly and yearly sales and review the system's workflow.


Show Dashboard on startup

This will display the Dashboard, which presents the different panels on either chart or grid form.


Show Scheduled Activity List on startup

This will display the Scheduled Activities List form, which will list any activities coming up.


Show Reminder List on startup

Displays the Reminder List form, which lists helpful reminders like any unposted transactions or inventory that needs to be ordered.  


Show Taskbar message on startup for resolutions 800 X 600 or less

This will display a warning message if the Windows Taskbar is set to "Always on Top".  This is because VisionCore uses every part of the screen when in the 800 X 600 mode including the area where the Taskbar is.  What happens when the Taskbar is set to "Always on Top" and your screen resolution is 800 X 600 is that the bottom section of all the forms will be covered up by the Taskbar.  You can get around this by deselecting the Taskbar's "Always on Top" option or moving to a higher screen resolution like 1024 X 768.


Color Settings

These options will determine your default color settings for disabled back color, disabled font color, multi-currency and alternate row.



Enables you to select a default back color when multi-currency transaction is created.


Alternate Row

Enables you to select a default back color for alternate row in the grid area of the form.



Edit Form Favorites

This will open the Navigator Setup - Form Favorites form that enables you to select the forms you want to be displayed in the Start Menu.


Edit Report Favorites

This will open the Navigator Setup - Report Favorites form that enables you to select the reports you want to be displayed in the Start Menu.


Edit Help Favorites

This will open the Navigator Setup - Help Favorites form that enables you to select the help topics you want to be displayed in the Start Menu.


Combo box Drop down Options

Rows to Display

This will determine the default  number of rows to be displayed in all combo boxes.


Filter Records

This will determine the maximum number of records to be displayed when filtering records.  


Records to Retrieve

This is where you can specify how many records to retrieve in combo boxes.  To illustrate how this feature works, see Records to Retrieve


Enable Alternate Row Color

This will allow you to set whether or not you would want the alternate Row Color option to be enabled.


Automatically drop down combo boxes

This will automatically display the drop down combo boxes on all combo box fields.


Enable Auto Lookup checkbox

This will enable automatic searching in the drop down boxes.  To illustrate how this feature works, see Enable Auto Lookup.


Account ID

Bypass hyphen in Account ID

When enabled will bypass hyphen when entering/searching account ID in the Find form and find/search drop down.


Default Matching

Allows to choose how to match input data and default data. The combo box displays three options: Start of Field, Any Part of Field, and Whole Field. This is defaulted to Start of field.


Default Search Column

Allows to select the field that will be matched with. The combo box displays two options: Account ID and Description. This is defaulted to Account ID.



Save Grid Layout on Major Forms

When enabled will save the modification/s made on grid layout in major forms (like Sales Order and Invoice forms). To illustrate how this feature works, see Save Grid Layout on Major Forms.  


Save Form Size and Position

If this option is selected, VisionCore will save the size of the particular form and its position the last time it was opened.


Autofill General Journal form - Reference field

If this option is selected, VisionCore will auto-populate the General Journal - Reference field with previous entered references as you type.


Load Optimal Application

When enabled will help reduce the memory usage consumed by VisionCore.  This makes all forms non-MDI thus maximizing the ability of  the Operating System to handle resources.


Customer Default Tab

The Customer Default Tab is used to assign a default tab for the Customer form.  The selected tab's information will be displayed upon opening the Customer form.


Job Default Tab

The Job Default Tab is used to assign a default tab for the Job form.  The selected tab's information will be displayed upon opening the Job form.


Desktop Tab

The Desktop Tab will give you the option of choosing what design you would like to decorate the desktop. You can choose from a list of available background designs found at the left side of the Preview window of the User Preference Form. You also have the option to customize your desktop background by selecting Custom at the left side of the Preview window.  Then click the Ellipse button below the Preview window to look for background files in other folders.  You may use files with these extensions: jpeg, gif, bmp and png.


Themes Tab

The Themes Tab will give you the option of choosing what design you would like to have as a theme. You can choose from a number of themes at the left side of the Preview window of the User Preference Form. The chosen theme will immediately replace the current theme you are using.


Shortcuts Tab

The Shortcuts Tab allows you to assign keyboard shortcuts for each form.  Some of the forms have a predefined keyboard shortcut but you can change them if you want.  

Printing Tab


Number of Copies to Print

Enter the default number of copies you normally want printed when you print anything in the program.


Printing Defaults

The Printing Defaults give you the option to customize the way your reports and invoices print.

Print Company Header Information

This will print your company information at the top left corner of every invoice and order.  This is the same information that is entered in the Company Setup form.


Print Background Colors

This will print a gray shaded background color in the Bill To and Ship To area of all printed invoices and orders.  You will need a good laser printer to make the shaded background look good.


Print Charge Card Information

This will print the customers charge card information at the bottom of the invoice or order.


Sort Transaction Items By

This allows you to sort items in Reports by Item Number, Original Order Entered, Vendor ID or Category. To illustrate how this feature works, see Sort Transaction Items By.


POS Default Report

The POS Report field allows you to select a size of default POS default report.


Day Planner Tab


Day Planner Settings

Day Planner Resolution - is used to stretch the Day Planner form to fill the full screen if your computer resolution is set higher than 640x480.  Keep in mind that stretching the Day Planner form like this may distort some of them in real high resolutions like 1280 X 1024.  This option may NOT run correctly on all Computers, especially with certain video cards and Video drivers.


Open Day Planner on top of all other windows - This will display the Day Planner on top of other windows when opened.


Day Planner Options

Show Start Time - will display the scheduled start time of the activity in Monthly Planner form.


Show Time as Clock - will display the clock icon instead of the scheduled start time of the activity in Monthly Planner form.


Info Note that the Show Time as Clock option will only work if the Show Start Time is enabled.


E-mail Tab


Mail Server Information

Incoming Mail Server (POP3) - determines your server for incoming messages.  


Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - determines your Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server for outgoing messages.


Info The Incoming Mail Server (POP3) and Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) are settings that your Internet Service Provider (ISP) or IT Professional should provide you with.


(SMTP) Requires authentication - when selected will verify whether the mail server and e-mail are authenticated or valid.  If one or both fail to meet this criteria, the email will not be sent.


Display POP3 and SMTP Errors - when selected will display the POP3 and SMTP errors encountered when sending emails.


Email Logon Information

POP3 User Name and Password  are settings that your IT Professional should provide you with.


Save Sent e-mails in Contact forms - will save all the e-mails that you sent in Contact forms namely Customer, Prospect, Vendor, Sales Rep Group, Sales Rep, Employee and Jobs.


User Information

From Name should list the User's Name as the user would like it to appear in an e-mail.


From E-mail should list the User's E-mail Address as the user would like it to appear in an e-mail.


Reply Name should list the name the user would like to appear in a reply from a sent e-mail. This could be Sales.


Reply Email should list the e-mail address where a reply to the e-mail should be sent. This might be

Report E-mail Settings


Drag and Drop E-mail

Save attachments to folder - will save the attachment on the path provided next to it.  Click the Ellipse button in the Path field to look for folders where you can save attachments.


Buttons at the bottom of the form

Bullet PointThe OK button will close and save the User Preferences form.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will close the form and will not save any changes you have made.

Bullet PointThe Apply button will save the changes you have made without closing the form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.