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Find Form Settings

The Find Form Settings is used to customize the fields to be displayed in your Find form.  This form can be opened by clicking the Settings button at the top of the Find Form.


In the Available Fields box, highlight the field you want in your Find  form and click the Add > button to add it to the Selected Fields box. If you want to remove a field just highlight the field in the Selected Fields  box and click the < Remove button.


The Move Up button will move the highlighted item in Selected Field box upward one spot for each click while the Move Down button will move the highlighted item downward one spot for each click.


In the Locked Field, select a specific field you want to lock.  This field will remain visible when scrolling in the Find form.


The Auto Filter Records as you type checkbox when enabled will automatically filter records as you type on Find field.  But if this option is disabled,  this option will require you to press the Enter key before the record is filtered.  See Auto Filter Records as you type to guide you on how this feature works.


Form Buttons

Bullet PointThe OK button will close and save the Find Form Settings form.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will close the form and will not save any changes you have made.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.