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Inventory Categories

The Inventory Categories form is used to display all the available categories that can be used in the Inventory Item form. You can click the + or - buttons to expand or collapse the categories.


When you click the New button on the above form the Edit Category form will appear. You can use this form to edit existing categories or add new ones.


When you click the X button in the Edit Category form, you will get a message warning that you are about to delete the selected Inventory Category. You have the option at this point to cancel or go ahead and delete the selected record. If you confirm that you want to delete the selected record, VisionCore will delete it and there will be No way of retrieving that Inventory Category again.


There may be times when you try to delete an Inventory Category and VisionCore will not let you. This can happen because the Inventory Category is being used in several other areas of the program. For instance, if you try to delete an Inventory Category that was used by one or more inventory items, VisionCore will display a message explaining that the Inventory Category could not be deleted due to referential integrity. The only way you could delete that Inventory Category is to delete all the associated inventory items first.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.


Bullet PointThe New button will move the cursor to a new line where you can add a new size.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected inventory item.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Subcategory button will open the Edit Category form.

Bullet PointThe Refresh button will refresh the Inventory Categories form.

Bullet PointThe Close button will let you exit the form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button in the Status bar for help on how to use the form.

Related Topics

Adding Inventory Item

Inventory Items Setup Tab

Edit Category