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Inventory Item Inventory Tab

The Inventory Tab shows you general inventory item information such as Item Type and Classification, Description, PO Description, Additional Info, Manufacturer, Manufacturer No., UPC Code,  Model Number, Category/ Sub Category Names, and Inventory Setup. You may get to the inventory Inventory tab page through Inventory > Inventory > Inventory Item Inventory Tab.


1.The Item No is unique for each inventory item. The Item No is the same thing as your inventory items part number. This is the number that will be used throughout VisionCore to reference this inventory item. When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

2.The Vendor Item No field is used to enter your vendor's part number of the inventory item.  This will be the number that prints on all your purchase transaction receipts and orders. This way you can use your Item No to create a Vendor Purchase Order but when you print that purchase order it will use the part number you entered in the Vendor Item No. field for that vendor.

3.The Vendor ID field is used to assign a vendor to the inventory item. You can select any vendor that has been previously entered in the Vendor form. Click the ellipse button next to this field to open the Vendor form where you can add, delete or edit vendors. The Vendor ID field is important to fill out if you want to let VisionCore automatically create purchase orders when you sell this inventory item and there are no stock.

4.The Item Type field is used to assign an item type for the  selected item.  The default value of this field is Inventory Item.  Options for this field are Inventory Item, Manufacturing, Assembly, Kit, Bundle, Non-Inventory, Service, and Other Charge.

The Inventory Item type is used for regular items you purchase. This item type tracks stock quantities.

The Manufacturing type is  used for items that needs to undergo manufacturing process. This type tracks stock quantities.

The Assembly type is used for items you build from other items.  This item type tracks stock quantities.  The Assembly tab will then be visible to allow you to enter component items.

The Kit type has several components which also contains multiple items. Since Kit has multiple components, it will follow those components for tracking stocks. The Kit Details tab will then be visible to allow you to enter component items. See: Kits/Bundles.

The Bundle type is used to quickly enter a group of individual items on sales or purchase transactions. Since this item type groups other inventory item types, it will follow those inventory types for tracking stock. This will then be visible to allow you to specify items that are part of the bundle. This inventory item type was the previous Kit type renamed only to Bundle. See: Kits/Bundles.

The Non-Inventory type is used for items you purchase like materials or office supplies.  This item type does not track stock quantities.

The Service type is used for services you charge for or purchase like consulting, labor, fees, etc. This item type does not track stock quantities.

The Other Charge type is used for miscellaneous charges such as setup fees, delivery charges, rentals, permits, etc. This item type does not track stock quantities.

5.The Classification field is used to determine wether the item is a regular item, serialized or lotted. The default value of this field is None. Options for this field are None, Serialized and Lot Number.

Serialized - By selecting this option, every time you sell this inventory item the Inventory Serial Numbers - Orders form will open where you can assign the serial numbers to the items you are selling.  When you purchase this inventory item the Inventory Serial Numbers - Purchase Receipt form will open where you can enter the serial numbers you have received.

Lot Number - By selecting this option, every time you sell this inventory item the Inventory Lot Numbers form will open where you can assign the lot numbers to the items you are selling.  When you purchase this inventory item the Lot Numbers - Purchase Receipt form will open where you can enter the lot numbers you have received. See: Inventory with Lot Numbers.

Info Note that  'Inventory Item' and 'Assembly' are the only item types allowed to use Serialized and Lot Number classifications.


6.The Description field is used to enter a detailed description of the inventory item.  The description field is a memo field, which is capable of storing up to 64,000 characters of text.  This allows you to enter a very detailed description for each inventory item.  The description field will be used on any sales, service or purchase transactions for each item you enter in the Line Item Detail.

7.The PO Description field is used to enter a detailed purchase order description of the inventory item.  The PO Description field is a memo field, which is capable of storing up to 64,000 characters of text.  This allows you to enter a very detailed description for each inventory item.  The PO Description field will be used on any sales, service or purchase transactions for each item you enter in the Line Item Detail

8.The Additional Info field is used to enter an additional description or short notes about the main description.  This field will be displayed on any sales, service or purchase transactions that use a two line Line Item Detail.

Category Area

The Category grid area contains two column headers: Category Name and Description. This is used  to assign one or more Inventory Categories and/or subcategories to each inventory item. You can choose an inventory category by clicking the Ellipse button in category name line, which will then open the Select Categories form. The X button beside the ellipse button will delete the selected category name from the category area.


Inventory Setup Area

1.The Primary Category combo box field is used to assign a primary category to each inventory item. The drop down menu will display the categories/ subcategories you entered in Category Area.

2.The Unit Measure combo box field is used to assign a default Unit Measure to an inventory.  The combo box will display the unit measures you set up in Unit Measure Area of Setup Tab.

3.The Status field contains a combo box where you may choose Active, Phase Out, or Discontinued.  Any inventory setup as Discontinued will still show in the Inventory Items form.  Once you have depleted the items left in stock for that item, you won't see it anywhere other than the Inventory Items form.  This gives you a way to remove certain items, you no longer carry, from the Item No combo boxes in all the sales, service and purchase transaction forms.  This will make it easier to see what you really have to sell or purchase.

4.The Class Code field contains a combo box where you may choose  Special Order, Fragile, Non-Stock Item, or Service.  Click the Ellipse button next to this field to open the Inventory Class Code form where you can add, delete or modify class code to be displayed in the Class  Code combo box field.


5.The Currency field is used to assign a default currency for each inventory item.  Normally this will automatically fill in with your default Currency ID setup in the Company Preferences form but you can change it if necessary.  If the currency you want to use is not in the list you will have to add it to the Currency Exchange Rate form.  Every time this inventory item is used on an invoice, or order, the default currency will fill in the Currency ID on that form.  You can still override the Currency ID after it fills in if you need to, but it helps speed data entry.


6.The Landed Cost checkbox, when enabled, is used to track Landed Cost Process


Inventory Details Area

1.        The Manufacturer combo box field is used to enter the manufacturer of the inventory item.  You can click the Ellipse button to open the Inventory Manufactures form where you can add, delete or modify manufactures.

2.        The Manufacturer No. field is where you enter the manufacturer's number.

3.        The Model Number field is where you enter the manufacturer's model number.

4.        The UPC Code field is where you enter the manufacturer's UPC related code to form a bar code.  The total UPC number is twelve numbers in length.  You will have to enter the six numbers the UPC Council has selected for the item plus six more numbers of your own choosing for a total, so far, of twelve numbers. Bar Code/UPC Code in Order and Invoice forms.

Related Topics

Adding Inventory Item

Inventory Item