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Inventory Special Pricing

The Special Pricing tab is used to assign a special price on a particular Inventory Item.  This special price would be given to all customers.  Every time the selected item is sold any special price assigned would override all other prices.  When creating any sales or service transactions a message will also be displayed telling you that the selected inventory item has a special price.  An example of when you might use the special pricing form would be if a company wanted to clear out the stock on a particular item, they could put it on sale using this form.

You can enter one special price per unit measure.  If you only have one unit measure setup for the selected inventory item then you can only enter one line item special price.  You will also be able to set a date range that the special price is good for.  This comes in handy if you only want to give the special price for a weekend sale or a monthly promotion.  For complete details on all the field descriptions for this tab and a step by step guide on how to enter new inventory special pricing,  see: Adding Inventory Special Pricing.


To access the Inventory Special Pricing tab, from the Main Menu, click on Inventory, then Inventory > Pricing tab > Special Pricing tab.

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