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Invoice History Tab

The Invoice History displays a single line item list of all the posted transactions that a customer has placed in the past.  You may conveniently view the Current amount of the invoice, the amounts Past due between one and 91 plus days, and the Balance due.


Clicking on the Ellipse button next to a specific transaction will open a small form that you will be able to select the Payment Details or Line Item Details for that transaction.  If you choose to review the Payment Details, the Receivables Review form appears so that you may appraise the Receivable information.   If you choose to review the Line Item Details, the Line Item Detail form appears so that you may appraise the Line Item information.


All the fields in the Invoice History tab are read only.


Toolbar Buttons

Background on toolbar buttons such as Post, Customer, Receivable, can be reviewed in the Invoice Overview help section. See: Invoices Overview