You can get to the Detail page of information by clicking on the Detail tab. The Detail Tab has three sections: Proposal Information, Job Information, and Job History.
Enter the date by clicking the drop down button and a miniature calendar will open. All the fields here are optional and can be used any way you choose.
1.In the Job Information area you can add other various details about the job like the supervisor of the job.
2.In the Salesperson field you can assign this jobs' normal salesperson. The salesperson combo box list is pulled directly from the Employee form.
3.The Start field is used to enter the date you started this job and the Finish field is used to enter the date you finished this job. You can click the drop down button to either the start or finish dates to open a miniature calendar that can be used to graphically add dates to those fields.
4.The Revenue is used to add how much money has been received for the job so far and the Expenses shows how much money you expect the job to cost.
5.When you are through filling out all of the information about your job, you can click on the New button to add another job or click the Close button to save the job and return you to the previous open form.
Job History Area
The Job History area is read only and the information displayed here is calculated and displayed for your reference. Each field is detailed below.
The Entered field will reflect the date this job was first input into the program.
The Modified date will reflect the date this jobs file has been changed in any way.
The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one contact log to another. It also displays how many records are in the Jobs contact log form and what record you are currently on. Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data. You may use the Find button to find a specific record
There are several helpful options that can be set in the Company Preferences and Custom Setup forms to help make data entry easier and faster. One great feature in the Company Preferences form is to have the text fields displayed a certain way when you enter data so that it is easier to read and more consistent throughout the program.