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Print Check Verification

The Print Check Verification form is opened after actually printing a check where Assign Check numbers after Printing option is ON in the Company Preferences form - System tab.  This form is used to display all the selected checks from the Print Checks form.  It will also show the check numbers that were assigned as the checks were printed.  If all checks are printed properly, you can click the Commit button to accept the check numbers, which will then post the checks to the General Ledger.  This will also update all the transactions with the appropriate check number that were assigned during printing.


At the top right area of the form there is the Next Check Number field where you get to see the next check number available.


In the grid, the Fail checkbox (unchecked by default) can be used to mark one or more checks that did not print properly.  The Date, Num, Payee, Status and Amount fields are read only fields that gives information about the check.  It is in the Remarks field area where the reason can be specified, in case the check is selected to be failed.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Commit button when clicked will accept the check numbers and will then post the check transactions to the General Ledger and will update all the transactions with the appropriate check number that were assigned during printing.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all the listed check transactions.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will clear all the listed transactions for the selected check transactions.  If the majority of the transactions will be cleared you may want to click the Select All button to clear everything and then go back and unclear the few that have not cleared yet.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close this form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.