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Print Checks

In the Print Checks form you can print one or more checks from a specific bank account.  You have the ability to choose from several different check formats as well as what information you wish to print on the checks.  You can print checks through the Pay Bills, Pay Bills Multi Vendor, Write Checks, and Bank Account Register forms.  The information below will describe how to select a specific check style, how to print a check from this form and describes each of the fields.

1.There will be a list of system generated check reports displayed.  Highlight check style you wish to print.  Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to move the most commonly used check to the first position, saving you time in the future.  See also Check formats supported in VisionCore

2.The Bank Account field will normally fill in with the selected checking account.  This field will only list checking accounts that have been previously created in the Bank Account List form.  You can select any bank account you wish.

3.The Bank Name field is read only and will display the name of the bank based on the selected Bank Account field.

4.The Next Check Number field is a read-only field which displays the next available check number. You must initially setup the next check number to be used in the Bank Account Information form using the Next Check Number field.

5.The Print Company Name option will print your company's information at the top left portion of the check.

6.The Print Vendors Name option will print the vendors information on the check.

7.The Print Memo Field option will print any memos entered at the bottom of the checks.

8.The Print Check Number option allows you to print the check numbers on the check.  Deselect this option to prevent check numbers from being printed out if you have pre-printed check numbers.

9.The Preview option will allow you to preview the check before it is actually printed.  You may want to use this option to preview what the printed check will look like based on all the options selected.

10.The Show Time off Stub option will display the time off information on paycheck stub. This is unchecked by default.

11.The Close Form after Printing option will automatically close the Print form after printing.

12.The Print the Check Registry after Printing option will show the Bank Payments report after printing the selected check/s. This option is checked by default.

13.Click the Print button to print or preview the check.