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Print Invoices

When you click the Print button on the Invoice form the Print Invoice form opens.  You can set the different print options, which will affect the way the Invoice will be printed.  The print options can be setup a default way in the User Preferences form so that the same print options are selected every time you print.


Print Criteria

Here you will select if you want to print the current invoice, or a single invoice or batch print by invoice number, or date.

Bullet PointCurrent Transaction - This will print the Current Transaction that is open and that you pressed the print button from.

Bullet PointSingle Transaction - By selecting Single Transaction you will be able to select from the pull down menu labeled Transaction Number the particular, or single, invoice that you are interested in printing.

Bullet PointTransaction Number Range - By selecting Transaction Number Range you will be able to select a range of invoices, by number, that you would like to print.

Bullet PointDate Range - By selecting Date Range you will be able to select a range of invoices, by Date, that you would like to print.  When the Date Range is selected the Transaction Number combo box will dynamically change to Date Range and will allow you to select a pre-defined date range from the combo box.  Of course, you can manually enter any date range you wish.


Batch Print Criteria

If you are just printing the default Current Transaction, all the Batch Print Criteria will be grayed out and unavailable.  However when you select any of the other options in the Print Criteria section, it is here in the Batch Print Criteria area that you enter, or select, the specific criteria that you wish to print.

Bullet PointTransaction Number - When you select Single Transaction the Transaction Number area will be available for you to select from the pull down menu the particular, or single, invoice you wish to print.

Bullet PointFrom - To - When selecting either the Transaction Number Range or Date Range you will be able to select starting and ending criteria based on which option you have selected.


Print Options

Bullet PointShow Company Header - This will print your company information at the top left corner of every Invoice.  This is the same information that is entered in the Company Setup form.

Bullet PointShow Charge Card Number - This will print the customer's credit card information at the bottom of the invoice.

Bullet PointShow Background Colors - This will print a gray shaded background color in the Ship From and Ship To area of the Invoice.  You will need a good laser printer to make the shaded background look good.

Bullet PointClose Form After Printing - When the option Close Form after Printing is enabled, the Print form will automatically close after printing any transactional reports

Bullet PointThread -


Select a Report to Print

Each report changes the information that is printed. Highlight the report you would like to print. Click the Arrow Up and Arrow Down buttons, when highlighted on a specific report, to change its position in the list.

Bullet PointClick the Preview check box to preview what the transaction will look like before you send it to the printer.

Bullet PointClick the Collate check box to print the copies of the document in proper binding order.

Bullet PointNo. of Copies - textbox where you can assign the number of copies to be printed.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointClick the Print button to print or preview the Invoice.

Bullet PointThe Email Report - button will open the Send Email form where the Invoice is automatically attached in .pdf format.

Bullet PointThe New button will open the Report Settings form where you can add a new report to be displayed in the default and custom reports list.

Bullet PointThe Edit button will open up the Report Settings form where you can edit the Settings and Criteria for the selected report.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected report from the list.

Bullet PointThe Designer button will open the Report Designer where you can modify or edit the features of a report.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Print Invoices  form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.

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