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Purchase Line Item Options

The Purchase Line Item Options form can be found on purchase transaction forms by clicking on the Ellipse button next to the Item No field on a Line Item Detail.  The purchase line item options form can access many different forms from within the program and allow you to view or edit the information.  You will be able to do things like delete the selected line item, edit the selected Item No in the inventory items form, assign serial numbers and so on.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected line item.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected line item.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Inventory button will open the Inventory Items form where you can edit the selected Item No.

Bullet PointThe Stock button will open the Inventory Warehouse Stock Detail form where you can view all the stock associated with the selected Item No.

Bullet PointThe Sort button will open the Purchase Line Item Sort Order form where you can manually change the sort order of the line items in the selected transaction.


Press F1 or click F1-Help at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.