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Schedule Activities

The Schedule Activity form is used from the Day Planner to schedule a Call, Meeting, or a To Do.  You can get to this form from the Day Planner itself, or from any of the Schedule buttons throughout the program.  This form is the heart of the Day Planner, because it allows you to schedule and alarm your activities to be followed up on at a later date.  Not only is the Schedule Activity form used to enter the activity in the first place, the form is used after you are notified that it’s time for the activity to take place.  There you can review notes, take care of the Activity and then Complete the Activity.


General Tab

On the General Tab you set the criteria for the activity you need to schedule.  From the general tab you have the ability to set the day and time the activity needs to happen, as well as place a description, set an alarm and also highlight whom it is scheduled for and by whom it was scheduled.


To Schedule an Activity:

1.First select from the Activity Type drop down box if it is a Call, Meeting, or a To Do.

2.Select the Date the activity needs to be scheduled for.  The drop down arrow will bring down a calendar to quickly and graphically assist you in selecting the date.

3.Enter the Start Time of the activity.  The Start Time field is actually broken down into three parts.  By using your mouse you can click on the Hours, Minutes and AM or PM.  From there you can simply type the Hour, Minute and AM or PM for the start time of the activity or you can use the up and down arrows to navigate to the correct time.

4.Enter the End Time of the activity.  The End Time field is also broken down into three parts.  By using your mouse you can click on the Hours, Minutes and AM or PM.  From there you can simply type the Hour, Minute and AM or PM for the end time of the activity or you can use the up and down arrows to navigate to the correct time.

5.Check the box labeled All Day Event if you want your activity to be labeled at the top of the Day Planner calendar for that particular day, signaling that you have an all day event.

6.Fill in a brief description for your activity.

7.Prioritize your activity by selecting from the Priority Drop down box if it is Low, Medium, or High priority.

8.Check the Alarm box if you want a message to open while you are running VisionCore signaling to you that an activity has been scheduled.

9.You can set the alarm to notify you anywhere from 1 to 9999 minutes before the activity is scheduled to start.

10.Next, you have the ability to categorize the call, meeting, or to do.  From the drop down arrow, select what Category you would like to place for this activity.

11.The Contact Name field can either be a text field to type the name of the contact, or by using the drop down arrow you will find a list of all the contacts in your VisionCore data file.  If you select a name from the drop down list, you will see that the Company Name, Contact Type and Contact ID are all automatically populated for you and are un-editable.

12.The Scheduled For field is to designate which user in the data file the appointment is scheduled for.

13.The Scheduled By field is used to identify which user actually scheduled this activity.

Details Tab

The Notes Tab allows you ample opportunity to record any comments, details or notes on the upcoming activity.  Since you are brought to the Schedule Activity form after being notified of the activity that was scheduled, you will be able to review any notes prior to, during and after the activity has taken place.

The Complete Activity field allows you to flag an activity as accomplished or completed and the date for which that occurred.  This mark’s the activity as completed in the Day Planner.


Alarm Tab

The Alarm Tab set the alarm to notify you anywhere from 1 to 9999 minutes before the activity is scheduled to start.

Check the Alarm box in General Tab if you want a message to open while you are running VisionCore  signaling to you that an activity has been scheduled.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the activity and schedule it.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the activity in progress.

Bullet PointThe Cancel button will cancel the activity in progress and close the form.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Schedule Activities  form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button in the Status bar for help on how to use the Schedule Activities form.

Related Topics

Deleting Scheduled Activities

Saving Forms