The Segment Accounts form is where you set up your main, or primary and segment accounts and assign them a description and a corresponding code.
1. The Filter Type field is used to filter primary accounts by Account Type, namely, Asset, Liability, Equity, Expense and Revenue.
2. The Filter Group field is used to filter primary accounts by Account Group or subgroup. All Groups and subgroups added will be available on the combo box list.
3. The Segment Name area will show the Primary Account and other Segments added in the Account Structure.
4. The window on the right populates with primary accounts or segment accounts based on what is highlighted from the Segment Name area. If Primary Account is selected, then primary accounts added will be shown. If Segment is selected, then segment accounts added will be shown.
5. The Active checkbox is used to hide or show accounts in other parts of the program. By default, newly created accounts will show this checkbox as checked.
To add accounts to a primary or segment, simply click the New button at the bottom of the form to move the cursor to a new line where you can add a new primary or segment account. Note that when adding a new segment, the Type and Account Group fields will default the data from the previous line. To edit existing accounts, simply type the correction, or modification.
If you are getting started and would like to use a default set of primary accounts based on your type of business, you should click on Import button. This will open the Import Primary Accounts form and will give you a selection of templates to choose from.
Form Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.
The New button will move the cursor to a new line where you can add a new record.
The Save button will save the changes made in Segment Accounts form.
The Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.
The Import button will open the Import Primary Accounts form where you can select a template of accounts to choose from.
The Structure button will open the Account Structure form where you can view and define a specific account structure.
The Groups button will open the Account Groups form where you can view, add or group your accounts into groups and subgroups.
The Build Accounts button will open the Build Accounts form where you can select accounts to preview and/or build.
The Close button will close the Segment Accounts form.
Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left of the form for help on the form that is currently opened.