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Add Purchase Receipts

The Add Purchase Receipts form can be opened by clicking on the Receipt button.  In the Add Purchase Receipts form you may review Open Purchase Receipts, and/or, you may click on the check boxes under the column heading of "Add" that correspond to open Purchase Receipt line items, then click on the Add Purchase Receipt button to select these purchase receipt to be added to the bill prior to posting.


The remaining fields are read only: Vendor ID, Company, Order Number, Reference, Ship Via, Terms, Product ID, Received, Ordered, and Remaining Order.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will automatically clear or remove the purchase receipt from being selected.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all listed purchase receipts. If the majority of the purchase receipts will be selected you may want to click the Select All button to select all purchase receipts and then go back and clear the few that are not needed.

Bullet PointThe Add Purchase Receipt button will add the purchase receipts you have selected in the form to be brought back to the Bill form to have action be taken.

Related Topics

Purchase Receipts

Purchase Receipts Overview
