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Purchase Receipts Overview

The Purchase Receipt form is used to Create New Purchase Receipts once you have received purchases from your Vendors.



Key Purchase Receipts topics

Purchase Receipt Overview


General Purchase Receipts topics

How to add, or Create a Purchase Receipt

How to Print a Purchase Receipt

How to Search for a Purchase Receipt

How to Duplicate a Purchase Receipt

How to Set-up Recurring Purchases

How to Delete a Purchase Receipt

Purchase Receipt Items Tab

Related Purchase Receipts topics

Purchase Order Messages

Invoicing Purchase Orders

Landed Cost Process

Rules on Update Inventory Item Fields

Summary Grid Footer for Purchase Order and Purchase Receipt

Misc Gain/Loss


This form may be used to add, edit or delete records in the Purchase Receipt form.  To add new Purchase Receipts, simply click on the New Purchase Receipts Topic from the Main Menu topic of Purchases.  See Create New Purchase Receipts.  If you need to edit existing Purchase Receipts, just click on the Purchase Receipts topic from the Main Menu topic of Purchases, Find the record you want to edit and make any necessary changes to the fields for that record.  For complete details on all the field descriptions for this form and a step by step guide on how to enter new Purchase Receipts. See: Adding Purchase Receipts.


The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one record to another.  It also displays how many records are in the Purchase Receipt form and what record you are currently on.  Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data.  You may use the Find button to find a specific record.


There are several helpful options that can be set in the Company Preferences form to help make data entry easier and faster.  One great feature in the Company Preferences form is to have the text fields displayed a certain way when you enter data so that it is easier to read and more consistent throughout the program.  You should also take a look at the Security > Default Accounts tab and the Starting Numbers form for other related options that can be set.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will clear the form to allow a new Purchase Receipt to be added.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected purchase receipt.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find Purchase Receipts.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected Purchase Receipt.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Print button will open the Print Purchase Receipt form where you can adjust settings and print a purchase Receipt.

Bullet PointThe Receive button will update the Inventory In Stock and mark the purchase receipt as "Received".

Bullet PointThe Process button will enable you to convert the Purchase Receipt to a Bill.  This button will only be visible after clicking the Receive button.

Bullet PointThe Duplicate button under the Tools menu (click the Tools button to open the Tools menu) will create a duplicate of a specific Purchase Receipt.

Bullet PointThe Schedule button under the Tools menu (click the Tools button to open the Tools menu) will open the Schedule Activities form, which will allow you to schedule an activity to be displayed in the Day Planner calendar.

Bullet PointThe Vendor Notes button under the Tools menu (click the Tools button to open the Tools menu) will open the Vendor Notes List form where you can view any notes about the selected vendor.

Bullet PointThe Vendors button will open the Vendors form to the selected vendor.

Bullet PointThe Inventory button will open the Find Inventory form where you can search for Inventory Items.

Bullet PointThe Prepayment button will allow you to create a Vendor Prepayment for the this purchase order.

Bullet PointThe Message button opens the Purchase Receipt Message form where you can enter a message for the Purchase Receipt and have it print on the printed invoice.

Bullet PointThe Notes button opens the Purchase Receipt Notes form where you can enter any notes about the selected purchase receipt.

Bullet PointThe Vendor History button under the History menu (click the History button to open the History menu) will open the Vendor History form where you can view all the posted transactions that have been placed with a vendor in the past.

Bullet PointThe Item Purchase History button under the History menu (click the History button to open the History menu) will open the Item Purchase History form where you can view all the items purchased from the selected vendor.

Bullet PointThe Purchase Transaction History button under the History menu (click the History button to open the History menu) will open the Purchase Transaction History form where you can view the complete history of the selected transaction.


Press F1 or click F1-Help at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.