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Adding Tax Codes [Purchasing]

This form is where you will set up all the Tax Codes for Sales tax that you 'Pay' upon making a purchase.  The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Tax Codes [Purchasing].

1.From the Main menu, click on Sales, then Tax Codes.  This will open the Sales Tax Codes - [Paid] form.  Next click the New button to clear the form and move your cursor to the Tax Code field.

2.Enter a Tax Code, which can be up to 15 alphanumeric characters long.  You should try and think of an easy to use ID for your tax code.  If your tax code was for the city of Chicago then you might want to use something like "CHIC01".  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.Next enter a Description for the Tax Code. This field is primarily used to describe your Tax Code ID.  In the example of "CHIC01" the description would be something like "Chicago Sales Tax".

4.The Use Tax checkbox is used when the purchaser does not pay sales tax for an item that is not intended for reselling but is consumed.  For example, a purchaser uses his federal tax id to avoid paying taxes when he buys paper from the supplier.  Instead of reselling the paper, he uses it for himself.  He should be paying Use Tax to his taxing authority because he did not pay sales tax for something he consumed. See Use Tax to show you how this feature works.  

5.The Total Tax field is read only and will display the total sales tax percentage after you enter items in the subform.  This is the sales tax percent that will be charged every time this tax code is used in a transaction.

6.In the Line Item Detail you must select an existing Tax ID from the Tax ID combo box.  If you have not set any Tax ID's up yet then click the Tax Component button to open the Tax Components [Purchasing]  form where you can add a new Tax ID.

7.Once you have enter a new Tax ID number and selected it from the Tax ID combo box all the remaining fields should automatically fill in based on the data you entered in the Tax Components [Purchasing] form.  You can edit any of the data in these fields but it is recommended that it should be done in the Tax Components [Purchasing] form.

8.Verify that the Account ID field is setup correctly for the Tax ID.  If not, select the correct account from the combo box.

9.You can keep adding additional items to the Line Item Detail and as you do so you will notice the Total Tax field at the top of the form will display the combined total of the sales tax percentages.

10.When you are through filling out all of the information about your tax code you can click on the New button to add another tax codes or click the Save button to save the tax code.