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Tax Codes [Purchasing]

The Tax Code [Purchasing] form is where you setup all your sales tax paid information.  If you pay sales tax in more than one state, you can create an unlimited number of tax codes.


The Use Tax option in this form is used when purchaser does not pay sales tax for an item that is not intended for reselling but is consumed.  An example of this would be a purchaser uses his federal tax id to avoid paying taxes when he buys paper from the supplier.  Instead of reselling the paper, he uses it for himself.  He should be paying Use Tax to his taxing authority because he did not pay sales tax for something he consumed. See Use Tax to show you how this feature works.


This form can be used to add or edit records in the Tax Codes [Purchasing] form.  To add new tax codes, simply click the New button at the top of this form.  If you need to edit existing tax codes, just select the record by using record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form, that you want to edit and make any necessary changes to the fields for that record.  For complete details on all the field descriptions for this form and a step by step guide on how to enter new tax codes, see Adding Tax Codes [Purchasing].


The record navigation buttons at the bottom of the form are used to move from one tax code to another.  It also displays how many records are in the Tax Codes [Purchasing] form and what record you are currently on.  Clicking on one of the four buttons will navigate you through your existing data.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe New button will clear the form to allow a new Tax Code [Purchasing] to be added.

Bullet PointThe Save button will save the selected tax code.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find tax codes.

Bullet PointThe Delete button will delete the selected tax code.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Tax Components button will open the Tax Components [Purchasing] form, where you may enter Tax Code detail.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Tax Codes (Purchasing) form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.