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Adding Inventory Serial Numbers

The following steps will explain in detail how to add a new Inventory Serial Numbers.


1.The Inventory Serial Numbers - Purchase Receipt form opens up when you create Purchase Receipt or Inventory Adjustment transactions for serialized items.  By default, a message box will open asking if you wish to generate Serial Numbers.  Clicking YES will open the Generate Serial Numbers form where you can enter a starting serial number to be generated.  Clicking No will allow you to manually enter serial numbers.  Click the New button at the  top of the form to move your cursor to a new line where you may enter a new serial number.  The cursor will be flashing in the Serial Number field.

Info Note that in order for you to be able to add serialized numbers you will need to have selected "Serialized" as the option in the Classification field.  This field is located in the General tab of the Inventory Items form.


2.The Serial Number field is used to enter a single unique serial number for one inventory item.  This serial number field can be up to 25 alphanumeric characters in length.  You will never be able to duplicate a serial number.  When you have finished entering data for each field, press the TAB or ENTER key to move your cursor to the next field.

3.The Color combo box field is used to enter the color of the inventory item if any.  Several companies use the same Item No for a certain type of inventory item but there may be several different colors for that item.  A good example would be carpet.  You assign one Item No to a certain carpet style and texture but you stock 6 different colors.  Click the Color button at the top of this form to open the Inventory Color form where you can add, edit or delete colors.

4.The Size combo box field is used to enter the size of the inventory item if any.  Several companies use the same Item No for a certain type of inventory item but there may be several different sizes for that item.  A good example would be clothes.  You assign one Item No to a certain pair of pants but you stock 6 different sizes.  Click the Size button at the top of this form to open the Inventory Size form where you can add, edit or delete sizes.

5.The Notes field can be used to enter any additional information about each serial numbered item.