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Inventory Assembly Items

The Inventory Assembly Items tab is used to store all the detailed information about the products you assemble or build.  An example of a company that would use the Inventory Assembly Items form would be a manufacturing company or any company that builds their own products from other products they purchase.  Lets say you were in the computer manufacturing business, you could create an assembly item by entering all the individual products and the quantities needed of each of those products to create one computer.


To add new assembly items to an inventory item, select that inventory item, click the Assembly tab and enter the inventory items that make up the assembly item in the Line Item Detail.  See: Adding Inventory Assembly Items


There will be a little delete button next to each line item in the Line Item Detail list.  To delete an assembly item from the Line Item Detail click the little delete button at the left side of the line item next to the Inventory Item field.  This will delete whichever line you click that button on.