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New Customer Wizard

This Wizard will check whether the customer data you entered is existing in the Customer form.  If no match is found it will create a new customer with the data you entered.


The following steps will help you explain in detail how to add a new Customer using the New Customer Wizard:

1.In User Preferences form > Setup Tab, enable the Use the New Customer Wizard to add new customers check box to show the New Customer Wizard every time you create a new customer.  By default, this feature is enabled.

2.Go to Contacts or Sales menu and select Customers. The Find Customer form will open. Click the New button at the top of the form to open the New Customer Wizard.

3.Enter the Phone, Company, First Name, Last Name, Zip Code and Email.

4.Click Add button and the system will check whether the customer data  you entered exists in the Customer form.  If the customer data you entered matches an existing customer, upon clicking the Add button, a message will warn you that there is a customer that matches the data entered.  Click Yes on this message box to continue to add the new customer and all the information you entered in the New Customer Wizard will automatically fill in the Customer form.  Click No button to bring you back to the New Customer Wizard form.

5.Enter other customer information.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Add button will allow you to add a new customer.

Bullet PointThe Find Match button will open the New Customer Wizard Duplicates where you can review the customers that match the new customer data entered.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the Customer form.


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