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Pay Bills [Multi-Vendor]

The Pay Bills [Multi-Vendor] form is where you can pay multiple or all payments to all your outstanding bills.  This form will only display Posted and Unpaid transactions since Unposted transactions are considered incomplete.  Inside this form you will see all outstanding transactions and balances for all your vendors.  You have the ability to manually enter payments to any transaction or automatically apply payments by using the Select All or Clear All buttons.  The Select Due Date button will select all purchases that are currently due.  The Criteria button will open the Pay by Criteria form, which will allow you to choose if you want to pay by the "Due Date" or the "Received Date", among other options.


Data Entry Fields


Enter the Date you are paying your bills in the Date Paid field and choose the Currency.  Next choose the Bank Account you will be using to pay the bills.  You will notice that the Balance will display the amount you have in the selected bank account and the Check No. field will fill in with the next available Check number upon clicking the Ellipse button.  In case Assign Check numbers after Printing option is enabled in the Company Preferences form - System tab, Check No. field will instead show To Print.  See Assign Check Number after Printing to show you how force check number printing works.   Next click the Pay check box to pay each transaction in full or double click in the Payment field to pay it in full.


There are fields or options available at the top of this form.  Each of these is described below.


Select the Accounts Payable account in the A/P Account field.  By default, this field will show All/ A/P Account.  You may click the drop down combo box button to select specific A/P Account.  Now if you choose to select an A/P account, only payables related to it will be shown.


Beside A/P Account field is an All button that when clicked will display all payables regardless of whatever A/P account they use.


The To be Printed checkbox will only be shown and is enabled by default, provided Assign Check numbers after Printing option in the Company Preferences form > System tab is enabled.  See Assign Check Number after Printing.


The Payment Method field is used to further detail your payments with.  You can assign an unlimited number of payment methods.  Some of these methods may include Check, Cash, Credit Card to name a few.


The Group By field is used in grouping your payables based on the chosen column.  When Group By is set to None, no grouping will be formed and the sum of the Bill, Discount, Interest, Amount Due and Payment for all payables will be displayed on the lower part of the form.  When you select a column on the Group By drop down combo box, the transactions will be grouped according to the chosen column. Subtotals of all the payables included in that group will also be displayed. See Add grouped by subtotals to Pay Bills Multi Vendor screen for sample illustration.


Read Only Fields

The read only fields include the:

Bullet PointVendor ID

Bullet PointCompany

Bullet PointDue Date, and by double-clicking on this field, the Date

Bullet PointBill Number, and by double-clicking on this field, the Invoice Number, then the PO Number.  On the Bill Number field there is an ellipse button that when clicked will open the actual Bill or A/P related transaction.  See Add drill down to Pay Bills [Multi-vendor].

Bullet PointTerms, and by double-clicking on this field, the Transaction Type

Bullet PointBill Total

Bullet PointAmount Due

Bullet PointA/P Account

When you are finished paying all the bills you want to click the Post button to update your General Ledger and enter the transactions in the Payables form.


When paying multiple payments to vendor/s and you want to create individual payables for each bill, click on the Create Individual Payables check box.


At the bottom right corner of the form is an option to filter the payables by Vendor. Select a vendor from the drop down combo box and all the payables for that vendor will automatically be displayed in the Line Item Detail area.  Beside Vendor field is an All button that when clicked will display all payables regardless of whoever the vendor is.


There are several helpful options that can be set in the Company Preferences form to help make data entry easier and faster.  You should also take a look at the Security form > Default Accounts tab and the Starting Numbers form for other related options that can be set.


Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar Buttons perform an action on the current record like adding, deleting or saving.

Bullet PointThe Find button will enable you to Find Payables.

Bullet PointThe Undo button will cancel out the last change/s done to the record reverting it to its older state.

Bullet PointThe Print button will show Print Check and Print A/P Cash Requirements sub-button. See: Save selection in Pay Bills (Multi-Vendor) and Cash Requirement report

Bullet PointThe Post button will update the general ledger and add records to the Payables form.  See: Posting Payables.

Bullet PointThe Select All button will select all listed transactions, and, if you click on the Post button, you will automatically pay all the listed transactions.  Based on the Date Paid field it will also calculate Discounts and Interest on all the transactions.  If the majority of the transactions will be paid you may want to click the Select All then go back and clear the few that have not been paid yet and then click the Post button to pay all the selected transactions.

Bullet PointThe Clear All button will automatically clear or remove payments for all the listed transactions.  If you want to start fresh after paying several transactions you can use the Clear All button to clear all the payments from the transactions.

Bullet PointThe Select All Due Date button will select all listed transactions that are due, and, if you click on the Post button, you will automatically pay all the listed transactions.  Based on the Date Paid field it will also calculate Discounts and Interest on all the transactions.

Bullet PointThe Criteria button will bring up the Pay by Criteria form.  Once you have made your selection by criteria, if you click on the Post button, you will automatically pay those transactions.    Based on the Date Paid field it will also calculate Discounts and Interest on all the transactions.

Bullet PointThe Reload button will reload the Pay Bills (Multi-Vendor) form and will display all payables.

Bullet PointThe Close button will close the form.


Press F1 or click F1-Help button at the bottom left corner of the form for help on what this form is all about.

Related Topics

Pay Bills

Paid Bills History