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Posting Invoices

When you click the Post button, VisionCore will update your General Ledger with the data from the selected Invoices form.  Once the Invoice transaction is posted, you will not be able to alter the information for that transaction.  This prevents a transaction from inadvertently being changed after it has been posted.  You will still be able to select most of the fields in the Invoice form but you will not be able to change any of the data.


You can click the Recap button to display a preview form of what will be entered in your General Ledger when you post the Invoice.


Under certain circumstances you may not be able to post an Invoice due to a variety of reasons listed below.

Bullet PointIf you have closed your periods in the Fiscal Year Periods form, past the date of the transaction you are trying to Post, VisionCore will not allow the transaction to be Posted.  You must make sure all transactions have been completed and posted before you close your periods.  You can check the Reminder List to view a list of unposted transactions.

Bullet PointIf you have not entered a Shipped Date for the Invoice.


You will also notice that once you have posted the Invoices form, the Post button label will now read Unpost.  This gives you the option to Unpost the Posted transaction in case you need to make a change.

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